Lincoln and Herndon in Mount Pulaski for birthday celebration
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[February 12, 2013]     Send a link to a friend

MOUNT PULASKI -- No birthday would be complete without a cake to celebrate. The Mary Todd cake, along with party punch, was served downstairs by courthouse volunteers.

There is a story behind the famous cake. It is said that when Mary Todd was wooing Abraham, she enticed him with a homemade almond cake and it became a favorite. The original was a sheet cake with a light dusting of powdered sugar on top. 

When the Lincolns took residency in Washington, D.C., the White House chef couldn't bear the thought of serving such a homely-looking cake, so he prepared it as a layer cake topped with rich frosting and berries.

At the celebration on Saturday, the White House version was on hand for folks to see, but it was Mary Todd's original type of cake that everyone got the chance to taste.

Pictures by Curt Fox

Brian “Fox” Ellis enjoying himself

Bill Herndon and client


Mary Todd’s cake

young visitor and punch

Nick…courthouse volunteer and Mt. Pulaski high school student

Barbara Stroud-Borth…Mt. Pulaski courthouse volunteer and courthouse foundation member


Tom Martin-Mt. Pulaski Courthouse Foundation president.



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