Carroll Catholic students celebrate Mardi Gras

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[February 14, 2013]     Send a link to a friend

It was Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras, Lent and Abe Lincoln's Birthday at Carroll Catholic School.

Librarian Vanessa Tibbs was the coordinator for the day's events. She said they celebrate Mardi Gras when Valentine's Day and the beginning of Lent fall in the same week; which made this only the third time they have had this type of party.

Each class made masks, brought or made snacks, and talked about what they were going to give up for Lent or what good deed they were going to do for someone else.

Several from Mrs. Davison's class were going to give up things like pop, candy, bacon, chicken nuggets and TV. Some of the things that were mentioned as "good deeds" were to not pick on their siblings, do chores with a kinder spirit and try to obey the rules better.

After the parties in the classrooms, everyone met in the gym for a parade of masks and the beating of the piņatas. A lot of fun was had by all, and everyone enjoyed the sweet treats!

Pictures and text by Karen Hargis

Ms. Glisson's kindergarten class decorated cookies.

Mrs. Newton's first-graders show their masks.


 Mrs. Davison and Principal Welch with the second-graders in their cool masks.

Mrs. Fuiten's fifth-grade class pose with their homemade masks.

Mrs. Stoltzenberg's sixth-graders were very creative and enthusiastic.


Four piņatas were hung from basketball goals, and kids took turns trying to
break them open for all the goodies inside.


Bingo! Sweets treats were enjoyed by all.

Spellbound by a Tootsie Roll and sweet friendships!


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