Shelli is a 2001 graduate of Lincoln Community High School
and a 2009 graduate of the Capital Area School of Nursing. She
is currently employed as an LPN with Memorial Physician Services.
Joshua is the son of Mark and Yvonne Cheek of Lincoln. He is a
1997 graduate of Hartsburg-Emden High School and currently
employed with Lincoln Ag Center.
The couple is planning a March 9 wedding to take place in
Treasure Island, Fla.
The bride has chosen Amanda Skelton, Lesley Wilson, Katie
Williamson, Misty Virgil and Brienna McDonald as her attendants.
Standing with the groom will be Chad Cheek, Nick Boward, Justin
Agee, Justin Montgomery and Chris Wilson.
After the wedding the couple plans to honeymoon in Florida.
[Information provided by
