Horn did tell Wilmert that at this point, he didn't really know
for sure that the October races would take place. He said he had put
them on the schedule, hoping to be able to have them, and knowing
that if he didn't put them on now, he would definitely not be able
to have them.
Melody Anderson also pointed out that in the reports Horn had
provided to the council last week, the report from last year did not
include the practices in April, even though they did take place.
Therefore the only time actually being added to the schedule was the
October dates.
Mayor Keith Snyder reminded Horn and the council that with the
change in the way the curfew extensions will be maintained, Horn
will notify him each time one is used. Horn is to email Snyder when
he uses a curfew extension, telling him how much time he used, so
the city can also keep track of the 90 minutes available.
Before the item went to a vote, Marty Neitzel did speak up,
saying she was not particularly a fan of racing, but she was pleased
with anything that brings people into Lincoln, and the track does
just that.
When the item came to a vote, Wilmert voted against it with
everyone else voting in favor; thus, the motion passed 7-1.
City approves new farm lease
The city of Lincoln owns 40 acres of farm ground that is
basically landlocked with no public road to it. The ground around
the city farm is farmed by Kent Cross. For the last few years Cross
has leased the ground from the city.

The leasing method the city and Cross use includes a base
cash-rent amount, plus a share of the crop beyond a certain yield
point. For the last few years Cross has raised corn on the 40 acres
and paid $250 per acre for the base, plus whatever the yield share
came to. The rate and yield share are based on a commonly used
formula, set according to the crop being raised and the average of
12 months of commodity prices.
At last week's committee of the whole, building and grounds chair
Jonie Tibbs said it was time to renew the lease. This year Cross
wants to raise soybeans on the ground instead of corn. The base rent
per acre would increase to $350 per acre as a result of the change
of crop.
At the meeting last week, Tibbs said that Cross has been very
good to work with, and she wanted to continue leasing the ground to
him. Neitzel also noted that the year before last, the city had seen
a nice return on the lease. Last year they did not, due to the
drought and its effect on the yields.
When the item came to a vote this week, all eight aldermen voted
in favor of continuing the lease with Cross.
Next week the workshop meeting of the committee of the whole will
be on primary election day. For this reason the council will meet
one hour earlier, at 6 p.m.