This time of the year is one of the most joyous
celebratory times of the year…and yet for others it
is one of the most depressing darkest – difficult to
get through times. This past week I had the joy of
attending my two youngest children’s (ages 7 & 4)
Christmas program. It was a time of great joy
watching our kids and other children sing, smile,
dance…their faces covered with joy. Yet, as Wendy
and I sat there, I thought about the Christmas
programs that were probably planned in Newtown, CT.
They had songs to be sung…but no children to sing
them. Later, I read what one brother wrote, “What
could possibly be worse than not having gifts under
the tree to give to our kids? Having gifts under the
tree but no children to give them to.” For those in
Newtown, CT, there are not words to describe what
they are feeling and facing. In the midst of pain…we
cry out…yet it is at these moments sometimes God
seems to remain silent.
The Bible speaks of a man who knew this pain. His
name is Job. In one day Job lost all his livestock –
God remained silent; in the same day he lost his
entire livelihood – God remained silent; and in the
same day he lost those most precious to him…all ten
of his children – God still remained silent. Job
lost the support of the one closet to him…his wife
told him to curse God and die. Finally Job lost the
support of his friends as they told him he must be
in sin and in need of repentance. Through it all God
remained silent.
Perhaps, this Christmas you are going through a very
difficult time…a time when God remains silent.
Today, I want to share with you some insights that
will empower you to make it through those times in
life when you cry out and it seems as though all you
hear is silence. First we learn what to do by two
things that Job did not do:
Job did not sin nor
charge God with the wrong (Job 1:20-22)
Job did not sin with
his lips (Job 2:10)
We are often quick to do both.
Many of us have been told it is not for us to ask
why. Yet, Job asked, “Why?” six times in Job chapter
3. It is ok to ask why…yet sometimes God still
remains silent.
When God is Silent…
1. Remain Persistent in Prayer
Job kept speaking to God even though all He heard
was a deafening silence!
• Job 7:19-21 – What have I done? Have I sinned?
• Job 9:32-35 – Job desires a mediator showing his desire for any
help in restoring his relationship with God.
• Job 13:18-22 – Job really believes He will be vindicated.
• Job 19:25-26 – I know my redeemer lives…
• Job 23:10-12 – God knows me…when I am tested…I will come forth as
• Job 27:1-6 - …until I die, I will not put away my integrity from

2. Remember the Promises of God
It is so hard to remember the promises of God when life is difficult
and God seems quiet. When God speaks we often remember, but we need
to remember at all times.
Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to
those who love God and who are called according to his purpose.”
Phil. 1:6 “being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun
a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.”
Job remained persistent in prayer and remembered the promises of
God. Job realized that when God is silent…He has already spoken…and
He will speak again. As a result, God restored to him twice as much
as he had before. God blessed the latter part of Job’s life better
than the first.
The first Christmas God spoke by sending His Son – “For God so loved
the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him
will not perish but have everlasting life.” This Christmas God is
still speaking – He still so loves the world and He so loves you.
His heart breaks for the families in Newtown, CT. and His heart
breaks for you. Take a moment right now and seek Him…He is waiting
for you. He loves you and so do we!
Pastor Larry A. Crawford
Open Arms Christian Fellowship |