All schools should be a safe place for students and this has led to
a heightened priority across the nation. Although there is no
absolute guarantee that something bad will never happen, it is
important to understand the difference between the possibility of
something happening and the probability that it will affect our
school community.
Violence, such as
the recent tragedy in Connecticut, causes great concern within
school districts, even if we are not directly affected. Adults and
students struggle to understand why senseless violence happens and,
more importantly, how they can be prevented.
On behalf of the
entire faculty and staff of Lincoln Community High School, I want to
reiterate what safety measures and student supports are already in
place. On Friday, January 11, 2013, LCHS staff and students
participated in our third "Intruder Drill" this school year. Other
safety drills conducted annually include fire drills, severe weather
preparedness, and an off-site shelter drill.
The Board of
Education and district administrators connect with our community
partners (emergency responders) to review our emergency response
plans and to discuss any short-term needs that may be obvious in
response to a current crises. Other steps taken include: limited
access to our school building; monitoring of the school parking lot;
monitoring and supervision of student common areas; presence of
local police officers; monitoring of school guests who must report
to the main office, sign in, and wear badges; and presence of
security systems.