Firearms & Indian Artifact
Saturday January 26, 2013
100 E. Scroggin Ave., Mt. Pulaski, IL 62548
(American Legion Post 447)
Smith & Wesson 22 cal. Sport Series mod 22A; Colt/Walker 44
cal.1867-1967 revolver w/accessories; Ruger 357 revolver, 5 ¾” barrel;
Ruger 41 Magnum revolver, short barrel; Colt 45 Ruger long barrel
revolver; Dakota 4440 single action revolver, long barrel; 44 cal plack
powder revolver w/extra cylinder; set of Ruger Old Army stainless black
powder revolvers S# 48 & 49 of 200;Colt Trooper MK III 357 Man revolver,
#16416J; Ruger MKII 22 cal semi automatic pistol, #218-75636; S & W 22
cal Model 17-5 revolver #AWV1408; Browning .380 semi automatic pistol
#622823; Smith & Wessen 32 cal., New Departure Hammerless revolver,
#12435; Iver Johnson 32 cal., top break revolver, #2449; Jennings J22,
22 cal. Semi automatic pistol, #536449; Crosman model 1377 .177 air
pistol; Fillipietta 36 cal black powder revolver; Whitney Arms black
powder pistol; Crosman pump air pistol;
LOG GUNS: Winchester
Super X2 Sporting Clays, 30" has been shot a little but complete with
box and instructions Etc.; American Arms 12 ga Ducks Unlimited Sterling
O/U 28", 3" chamber complete w/box; Japanese Arisaka Type 99, chambered
7.7MM. Winchester Super X2 Sporting Clay 30” barrel;American Arms
Unlimited Sterling O/U 28” 3” chamber, complete w/box; Japanese Arisaka
Type 99, chambered 7.7mm; Illinois Sesqui-centennial Winchester 94,
30.30, lever action, never fired; Winchester 94, 30.30, lever action,
never fired;Arisaka Model 38 Japanese army rifle; Wards Westernfield 20
ga. bolt action; Winchester Model 97 12 ga. pump; Winchester model 12 ga.
pump; Remington Model 1100, 12 ga automatic, Ducks Unlimited , DU 8547;
Eastern Arms 12 ga single shot; Pardner SB1, 20 ga. single shot; Sears
Model 21, 20 ga pump; Diamond Arms 16 ga. single shot; OF Mossberg model
640 KB 22 Mag. VFR rifle w/Weaver V22-A scope; CF Mossberg 22 cal 44us
bolt action rifle; Savage Westfield Model 980 DL 22 cal. Semi automatic;
Marlin 881 micro grooved barrel 22 cal bolt action rifle w/Tasco 7x20
scope; Mauser 8mm M48 Yogoslav rifle; Crosman 2200 Magnum, 22 cal pellet
INDIAN ARTIFACTS: Michael Karr will
be selling a group of indian artifacts He purchased from Mr.James Ringle
of Jacksonville Illinois that were found by his late Uncle when he grew
up in St.Clair Co.,Illinois. Other's will sell a few atifacts from local
precision brass tumbler, new in box; brass powder horn; knife scabbards;
pistol holsters; 2 rifle scopes; scope mount for WWII goggles (M1944)
w/clear & green lens in original box; gun sleeve w/ DU pins;
TERMS: Cash or
approved check on the day of the Auction. Buyers must register with a
valid FOID card. A processing fee of $15. will be added to the sale
price of each firearm. All firearms will be held by Scott Mack, Lincoln,
IL (217) 735-3423 and can be picked up after the holding period by
making arrangements with Scott.
Announcements the day of the auction
take precedence
over printed matter or typographical
Mike Maske Auction Service
Mike Maske CAI
119 South Lafayette
Mt. Pulaski, IL 62548
(217) 519-3959
Illinois Auctioneers License Number 440.000157
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White Auction House
501 S. Kickapoo St. Lincoln, IL 62656
Saturday, January 26, 2013 10:00 a.m.
Sunday, January 27, 2013 12:00 noon
side by side refrigerator; Amana commercial washer/dryer.
TOYS: Matel ladder
fire truck; lg. Model Toys dozer & earth mover; Adams motor grader;
Mobilgas tanker; marbles; Structo rock hauler; plastic DC Case tractor;
North American Van Lines semis; Structo semi; Remco science kit; Howdy
Doody puppet; Cowboy 6 shooter pop gun; Arcade Co. McCormick Deering
thrashing machine/tools & tractor; cast McDeering wagon; Arcade manure
spreader & horses; 2 bottom International plow; Newell ping pong gun;
celluloid elephant; airplane; Arcade dump truck & pull type 2 bottom
plow; 340 International tractor, wide, 2 pt; 560 Int. tractor, 2 pt.
narrow; Massey Harris tractor, narrow; 2 JD tractors, narrow; WC Allis
tractor, narrow; Tonka Toy Transport semi; marbles.
KT&K Co. lg. porcelain bowl/pitcher & dresser set-beautiful;
oak armoire; smoking stands; child’s chair w/woven seat; cake stands;
Universal cake mixer; kerosene lamp wall brackets; RR lanterns;
locks/keys/knobs/hardware; horse/pony shoes; pipes; lighters; pocket
knives; jewelry; advertising items; antique clothing & baby clothes;
pencils; yardsticks; milk glass lamps; quilts; hankies; pillow cases &
linens w/needlework; pint bottle-Crystal Dairy, Springfield; antique
kitchen utensils; wooden barn pulleys; crock jugs; Boy Scout uniform
pants/hat in green & blue; tin types; rose point dishes; Francoma soup
bowls; copper molds; cups/saucers; mustache cup; china
figurines/animals; DoeWahJack top to pot belly stove; hardware scales,
complete w/scoops; frames & antique pictures/prints; carbide miners
lamp; Fenton; moonstone; Fostoria; carnival glass; many milk glass pcs.;
1895 A,M, Turner print; Gold Medal Flour framed print; silver tea set;
cast pots; tin oil cans.
La-Z-Boy leather loveseat & 2 matching recliners; maple secretary; maple
kitchen table w/tile top/1 leaf/4 chairs; record cabinet; 2 computer
desks w/chairs; 3 matching maple end tables; maple rocker; black rocker
w/gold stenciling; Lane cedar chest; Singer sewing machine & sewing
cabinet; maple hutch; maple dbl. beds; 4 dr. maple chests/night
stands/dressers/desk; twin maple trundle beds; small tables; maple
bookcase; sm. storage cabinet; entertainment center; 2 wood 2 dr. files.
HP Business Inkjet 1200; computer backup system; Image
Transfer DHC; many phones; Kenwood dual converter; table lamps; bedroom
lamps; office supplies; games/cards/poker chips/chess sets;
blankets/sheets/comforters; misc. linen; tapes/DVD’s/Sony DVD player;
cassettes; earphones; tripods; projectors; slide equipment; stainless
tableware; set of silver plate in cabinet; wide variety of small
appliances; Pfaltzgraff dinnerware-12 place servings-w/many serving pcs.;
Corning; Pyrex; bakeware & pots & pans; apothecary style canister set;
food dehydrator; TV tables; wooden folding chairs; bag chairs; medical
equipment; storage bin.
5 hp Cub Cadet 220 leaf vac; Cub Cadet 621 lawn mower
w/bagger; Shop Smith w/all attachments; Craftsman - 10”band saw w/stand;
3 shop benches, 14.4 drill/flashlite/2 battery/charger, 3.3 amp air
comp, jig saw, recip. saw, sander, circular saw; B&D – power
stripper/sander, router, drill press; Weed Eater leaf blower w/Tecumseh
engine; shop vac; battery charger; B&S 8 ho generator; organizers; mitre
boxes; metal shelving; 40 pc. tool socket set; wet wheel grinder; 7’
alum ladder; utility wagon.
Edwin and Rose Busch Estate, Lincoln, IL.
There are many more items than are listed.
Viewing Friday, January 25th from 9:00 am to
3:00 pm.
NOTE: This is not a
complete listing. More will be added.
Terms: Cash on the
day of the sale or check with a valid picture ID. Not responsible for
accidents or for items after they are sold. Announcements on the day of
the sale take precedence over printed material.
White Auction Service
Auctioneers: Col. Dan White & Gary Morris
Il. License Numbers: 440000381 & 441000185
501 S. Kickapoo St., Lincoln, IL
Phone: 217-732-4718 or Cell: 217-737-8984
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