'Winner, winner, chicken dinner!'
Park district drive-thru dinner is a winner all around

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[June 29, 2013]     Send a link to a friend

Back in the early days of gambling in Las Vegas, guests could buy a three-piece chicken dinner for $1.79, and the standard bet was $2. So if you won one game, you had won enough to buy your dinner. Thus came the phrase "Winner, winner, chicken dinner." The phrase is now commonly used to express good fortune.

Friday evening, you didn't need to worry about losing the bet, because getting a great meal with great curbside service from the Lincoln Park District drive-thru chicken dinner is a sure thing.

The meal consisted of three pieces of fresh fried chicken prepared by the Sons of the American Legion, potato salad, baked beans, dinner roll with butter, and an after-dinner mint, and cost only $7.50. The proceeds from the meal are going to help pay for this year's Fourth of July fireworks. So if you participated, you were a winner for the meal you got, and a winner for the fact that the fireworks at the park district are always free, and always fun.

Pictures by Nila Smith





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