So while others were headed to the sale barn coffee shop, the
members of the world dilemma think tank stepped out back,
coagulatingly, for some geezer bonding.Doc looked around, picked
up a blade of grass for his teeth, picked up a doodling stick and
turned around slowly while searching for just the right place.
Hunker time.
We stuck grass blades in our teeth and waited for the philosophy
to begin.
Doc went into a knee-aching hunker, and we groaned and followed
suit. He doodled in the dirt with the stick, and we looked and
couldn't make heads or tails of it, but then, we're not supposed to.
It's just a hunker thing.
"Been thinking," Doc finally said. "I think country folks can
really make a contribution to the well-being of life in the United
States of America." He waited. We mumbled interest. He continued.

"It's the hunker," he said. "We know how important it is to
hunker, as we are now doing, right?"
[to top of second
column] |

"When we hunker, we're focusing on getting the ideas boiled down
to essentials because it's uncomfortable and we don't want to be too
long doing it, right?"
"So what if Congress was only allowed to consider new laws while
in a hunker, but could repeal old, silly laws from the comfort of a
Steve groaned and said, "You may have something there, Doc."
Doc grinned. "And the other thing is, the older you get, the more
your knees hurt in a hunker. This could pare down the consideration
time a whole bunch with at least half the members of the Senate, and
the only laws they'd pass are the ones we'd really need."
"One thing, Doc," said Herb, going to all fours and then standing
up slowly and painfully.
"Don't you need some politician to introduce the Hunker Law?"
"I never said the idea was perfect, Herb."
[Text from file received from
Slim Randles]
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