2020 Olympic bid cities make case to IOC members

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[July 03, 2013]  LAUSANNE, Switzerland (AP) -- The three cities vying to host the 2020 Olympics are making their pitches to IOC members, hoping to seize the momentum in the final two months before the vote.

Istanbul, Madrid and Tokyo are laying out their plans to the general assembly of the International Olympic Committee, the first time they have made presentations directly to the electorate.

Of the IOC's 100 members, 86 were attending the proceedings.

It's a potentially pivotal moment for the cities in the run-up to the Sept. 7 vote in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Up first in the closed-door presentations was Istanbul, whose bid has been shaken by the anti-government protests that swept Turkey last month.

Each delegation had 45 minutes to make speeches and show videos, with another 45 minutes allotted for questions and answers.

[Associated Press; By STEPHEN WILSON]

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