On Sunday, July 7th, 2013, the congregation of Immanuel
Lutheran Church, a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in
America, will celebrate the 121st anniversary of its organization
and the 52nd anniversary of our current location at 1409 Pulaski
St. in Lincoln, with a special service of celebration at our
9:00 A.M. worship service. All members, past and present, are
encouraged to attend, as well as friends in the community.
There will be a display of old documents and pictures available for
viewing. Please join us for this day of thanksgiving and celebration
for this parish and its ministry to each other and the community at
Gospel sing
at LifePointe Church of God, 601
Pulaski St. in Lincoln, on July 7th at Sunday
morning worship service at 10:30 am.
Everyone is welcome and no charge!
Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University
"We all need a plan for our money. Dave’s class will
show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money,
spend and save wisely, and much more!"
Hosted by: St. Peter's Lutheran Church
120 Market Street, Emden IL 62635
Class will meet Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
Visit the class site for more information and to
Please register no later than July 14th. A Membership
Kit is required to attend the class.

Lincoln Area Neighborhood VBS presents
“Athens – Paul’s Dangerous Adventure to Share
the Truth” will be held Mon. July 8th thru
Fri. July 12th from 6-8:30pm for all
children preschool age to 6th grade. Churches
working together for this year’s neighborhood
VBS are: First United Methodist Church, First
Presbyterian Church, Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, First Baptist church, St. John’s United
Church of Christ, and Immanuel Lutheran Church.
Anyone with internet access is asked to
preregister your child at:
NeighborhoodVBS .
More information is available at:
Zion Lutheran Church VBS, 205
Pulaski St. Lincoln, July 15th-19th,
9:00 - Noon
Join us
as we learn about God's gifts "From
Above" for children Pre-K through
6th grade. Pre-registration is
preferred by July 1st and
will ensure that a t-shirt is
ordered for your child. Pre-register
at Zion or by calling the church
office at (217) 732-3946.