Children engage with animal kingdom at library program

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[June 29, 2013]  It was another packed house for the popular summer program at the Lincoln Public Library on Thursday morning when Angie Cat of Silly Safaris arrived.

Cat brought boxes and boxes of animals to perform for an excited crowd of young readers.

Silly Safaris, from Indianapolis, Ind., has been entertaining kids with their menagerie for 15 years. Angie Cat, a veterinary technician and actor, has been front and center with the show for three years. Silly Safaris has four teams that travel throughout the Midwest.

The children not only learned about the animals in their natural habitat, but also about their impact on the environment if released in nontraditional habitats. Silly Safaris is careful to adhere to state restrictions on what animals they can bring across borders. For example, Silly Safaris cannot bring pythons into Kentucky. The reason is the environmental problems the snake has caused in the Florida Everglades.

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While it may seem that summer has just begun, it is speeding by with the approach of the Fourth of July. The library will not have a program next Thursday because of the July 4 holiday. The final two sessions with be on July 11 and 18. Kids can sign up for those events after July 4. It is essential that a reservation is made because the library is limited to the number of people who can be accommodated in the Annex, and the programs always have a waiting list.

In two weeks the Peoria Zoo will bring their animals, and in three weeks the final event will be a scavenger hunt in downtown Lincoln. Children must be accompanied by an adult to take part in the scavenger hunt.


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