Poppers, walkers, buzzers, prop baits, frogs, rats ... there's no
shortage of lure styles, sizes and colors for catching bass on the
surface. What's best? All of them, depending which person you ask
and on what day you ask them. As far as which one is most versatile,
my money is on the revered buzz bait -- and I'll tell you why.
Buzz baits work great on all bass, anywhere bass are found. They're
so versatile because you can swim them across open water, around and
over submerged timber, in and around lily pads, through bulrushes --
anywhere! They're virtually 100 percent weed-proof, and I don't have
to tell you how heavy cover attracts predatory bass.
Another nice thing about buzz baits is their ability to perform
at any speed. They stay on top with a slow retrieve and also create
havoc when blasted back at high speed. And here's a tip: Have a buzz
bait that has a very light body along with an oversized blade, since
you'll be able to buzz that bait very slowly when bass are neutral
to negative during cold fronts.

Fishing slowly in cold conditions works with all the other
surface bait types, too. A good rule of thumb is, the hotter it is,
the more energized the lure presentation can be. Also remember, any
time you're in some nasty cover, go weedless with buzz baits,
snag-proof frogs and rats. In open water, I'll almost always opt for
double trebles hanging down to improve my hook-setting odds.
When a bass hammers your topwater lure, avoid the most common
mistake anglers make. They tend to set the hook right when they see
the strike. This often results in a miss since the bass has not yet
closed its mouth around the lure. Wait one or two seconds after the
strike before setting the hook, and you'll catch more fish.
[to top of second column] |
 The equipment you use can have a big effect on your topwater
success, too. Use a good, stout rod between 6.5 and 8 feet long.
Spool up with fat monofilament line, in the 14- to 17-pound range.
Bigger diameter mono is perfect not only for its strength, but
because it floats nicely, which improves the action of all topwater
To enhance the action of surface lures even more, use a loop knot
instead of a knot that cinches all the way down on the lure eye.
This is especially crucial on "walk the dog" lures like the Zara
Spook. The loop knot allows the bait to turn and glide a lot better
than traditional knots. The addition of a split ring to the lure eye
will have a similar effect, although I think split rings can
sometimes undermine the intended action of the bait.
Finally, another little trick on topwaters is to dress up the
rear end of the bait. On plugs, add a little feather or hair to the
rear hook. On buzz baits, add a stinger hook with a twist-tail grub
body or strip of pork rind. Doing these modifications gives the lure
a larger profile, enhanced action and helps turn short strikes into
hooked fish.
I hope these pointers increase your topwater thrills this summer.
I could keep writing, but I just saw a bass boil in glass-calm water
out my window. Think I'll go walk out on the dock and throw him a
Good fishing.
Babe Winkelman hosts "Good Fishing" and
"Outdoor Secrets," the most-watched fishing and hunting programs on
television. Tune in on NBC Sports Network, Destination America,
Velocity, Time Warner Sports Texas & New York, and many local
broadcast channels. Visit
Winkelman.com for air times and more information.