Lincoln Christian Church
celebrated the forty-two year secretarial ministry
of Vera Thomas with a retirement celebration on May
29, 2013, complete with quartet music, a catered
dinner, and tributes to her ministry. Vera began her
service with Lincoln Christian Church in October

“I have heard of long-term church secretaries
through the years, but never anything that came
close to what Vera Thomas has accomplished,” says
Senior Minister Ron Otto. “After 42 years of service
to one church and with six different pastors, she
has decided it is time to pass the batton and title
of church secretary onto another. Vera has done an
incredible job for our congregation with exceptional
compassion, unmatched professionalism, and deep
relational loyalty. Working with Vera has been
nothing but a joy. It has been one of my greatest
privileges in ministry to work with Vera Thomas, and
I will always remember her as a step above all other