Coupon booklets may be obtained at the
Oasis Senior Center's temporary location at St. John United Church
of Christ, 204 Seventh St. in Lincoln, from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. on
Tuesday, July 23. Coupons are
available while supplies last and are limited to one booklet per
person per season. Participants are required to complete an
application to receive the coupons.
Maximum annual income is $21,257
for a single-person household and $28,694 for a household of two.
For each additional household member, $7,437 is added.
This popular program is made
available by the United States Department of Agriculture and the
Illinois Department of Human Services.
For more information, call the Area
Agency on Aging at 787-9234 or 1-800-252-2918. |