Garage Sales
Garage Sale
420 Lincoln Ave.
Saturday, July 27 8:00 a.m. to Noon
Futon, kitchen goods, shop
tools, skateboard shoes and skateboard backpack, riding mower, and
misc. items. Cancel if rain. No parking in the alley.
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Garage Sale
409 Woodlawn Rd.
(alley off Edgar or Elm).
Friday, July 26 &
Saturday, July 27
8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Furniture, washer & dryer,
clothing, home decor, toys,
much more.
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110 Harrison St. Lincoln
July 26th from 2pm-6pm
and Saturday
July 27th 8am-noon
shoes, jewelry, books, holiday
items, kitchen items, 2 sets of living
room chairs, stools and other
good items.
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