The Atlanta United Methodist Women will host a church
wide Rummage and Homemade Goodies Sale on Friday
and Saturday, July 26TH and 27TH. Friday hours are 8
a.m.. to 6 p.m.., Saturday hours from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The sale will be held in the church basement,
which is handicapped accessible. The church is located
at the corner of 2nd and Race Streets in Atlanta.
Many rummage sale items will be priced at only 50 cents.
Saturday will feature "Bag" deals, as well as a "free"
hour. This is a good chance to find back to school or
off to college deals!
Homemade goodies will be available both days.
The Atlanta United Methodist Women will use funds raised
for missions, both local and other.
The Latham United Methodist
Church will be hosting a huge
garage sale on Thursday, Aug. 1,
Friday, Aug. 2 and Sat. Aug. 3.
The times are 8 -4 on Thursday and
Friday and 8-noon on Saturday. There
will be a Buck-a-Bag on Saturday.
Many items are $.25 and $.50! We
have over 50 coats priced to go!
There are lots of petite sizes!
241 Walnut Street Latham, IL
Lunch will be available on Thursday
and Friday!
The Atlanta United Methodist Women have
planned a schedule of events to sponsor their
ongoing mission work. The church is at the corner
of 2nd and Race Streets.
The Atlanta
United Methodist Women will be holding a craft
sale at the August 10th Cruise-In next to Xenia Park
in Downtown Atlanta from 9 am to 1 pm. Come shop
for unique gifts and treasures from our selection of
many handmade items. It's never too early to think
Christmas shopping! Proceeds from the sale will be
used to support the many mission projects, both near
and far, of the United Methodist Women.
A winter wear give-away will be held in
the church basement on October 5th.
Proceeds from the fund raising events will be
used for both local and other missions supported by
the Atlanta United Methodist Women

Douglas Carmel as guest speaker
Sunday morning August 11, Life Pointe Church
of God downtown Lincoln Bishop Carmel is a Jew who
converted to Christianity and is ministering across the
world. He will be sharing the Messianic Jewish
perspective of who Jesus Christ is! He is the creator
and founder of “Rock of Israel “ministries. Pastor Doug
Bowers would like to invite everyone out to listen to
this great man of God. The Church is located in downtown
Lincoln. (Old Courier Building). Our service starts at
10:30 am. We also will be featuring our LPCOG
praise team and it will be an inspirational service you
will not want to miss. For more information call the
Church office at 217-732-8989 or Pastor Doug at