Princess Tea planned for June 29
year's theme: 'Over the Rainbow'
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08, 2013]
the Rainbow" has been chosen for the theme of this year's Princess Tea,
sponsored by the Harvest of Talents for World Hunger. The tea is planned for
Saturday, June 29, in the Fellowship Center of Lincoln Christian Church.
Doors to the tea will open at 10:45 a.m., with tea served at 11:30 a.m. |
The Princess Tea is a very special
event for the sweet young ladies of our community and their guests.
If you have a special young lady in your life -- perhaps a daughter,
granddaughter, niece or a young friend -- this is the perfect event
for you to attend. You will be provided an opportunity to spend some
quality time together in a lovely setting, and your young ladies
will be the center of attention.
Young ladies -- princesses for the day
-- are invited to dress in their Sunday best or perhaps a princess
costume. They will be served refreshments from glass plates and tea
cups at a brightly decorated tea table. Each tea table will be
decorated by and presided over by a table hostess. Tasty food and
beverages will be served with the tastes of young ladies in mind.
The event will feature fun, food and favors.
Young ladies ages 3 to 12 are
invited to attend and must be accompanied by at least one adult
Tickets are $10 each and are
available in the church office. The tickets must be purchased in
advance, with ticket sales to close on June 26. Seating is limited,
so you are urged to pick up your tickets as soon as possible.
Questions may be directed to July
King at 314-9413. If you would like to be a hostess for a tea table,
she can provide you with the particulars.
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column] |

She points out that those attending
will have a most enjoyable time, with the event serving the dual
purpose of providing food for "special" children around the world
who are experiencing hunger needs.
"Pretty little ladies, we will look
forward to seeing you and your guests at this event which is planned
especially for each of you," Ms. King says.
All funds raised at "Over the
Rainbow" will become a part of the 30th annual Harvest of Talents
for World Hunger on Saturday, Oct. 26. Every penny raised at the
Princess Tea will be used to meet hunger needs worldwide. |