Full Gospel Evangelistic Center announces
their Summer Revival coming June 16-19.
Sunday meeting will be at 10:30 a.m. &
6:00 p.m. The Monday through Wednesday
meetings will be at 7:00 p.m.
Featured evangelist will be Daniel Tidmore. It
will also be LIVE on Ustream @ FGECTV and on
their website at:
www.fullgospelrevival.org .
First Baptist Church at 101 Broadway, Lincoln
is having a Summer Social and Pie Auction
Thursday, June 20. The Social hours are
4:30-6 p.m. with the Pie Auction starting at
6. Carry outs available. This event sponsored by
Mission Committee.
Family Fun
Day 2013 is just around the corner (Saturday, July 20 at Scully
Park). THIS Saturday, you have the opportunity to support this local
event and at the same time enjoy a tasty, juicy, delicious Pork Chop
or Rib Eye Sandwich! Stop by Lincoln IGA 713 Pulaski and enjoy!!
Thank you in advance! Make sure to mark your calendars to attend
Family Fun Day 2013. It is a FREE Event for every individual and the
entire family! Special Thanks to Charlie and the entire IGA staff
for their ongoing help and support of Family Fun Day!! Please let
them know how much you appreciate them pouring back into our
10 AM - 2 PM @ Anytime Fitness & Health Source
(714 N. Logan Street). Come and support the
youth at Open Arms Christian Fellowship as they
raise funds to attend CIY this year at Western
Illinois University in July. Enjoy VIP treatment
(snacks, free tours of Health Source & Anytime
Fitness, Chair Massages, and Free Scans while
you wait). The cost is a free will donation.
Special thanks to Health Source and Anytime
St. Peter Lutheran Church, 120 Market Street,
Emden, will host its annual Chicken
Supper on Saturday, June 22 at the church.
Serving will be from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Cost is donation. Carry-outs will be available.
The funds generated from this event are used for
various projects of the women of the church.
Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University
"We all need a plan for our money. Dave’s class will
show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money,
spend and save wisely, and much more!"
Hosted by: St. Peter's Lutheran Church
120 Market Street, Emden IL 62635
Class will meet Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
Visit the class site for more information and to
Please register no later than July 14th. A Membership
Kit is required to attend the class.
Lincoln Christian Church
VBS 2013 - June 23-27
Mark your calendar now! Plans for “God’s
Backyard Bible Camp Under the Stars” are
underway and we are excited! Each evening at VBS
we will hear Bible stories that take place at
night! It’s sure to be the best adventure of the
summer! For more information call 732-7618.

Holy Family Parish - VBS
God’s victorious power isn’t a fairy tale—-it
changes students forever.
Each day, students participate in small groups,
called Crews, and discover what it means to
stand strong for God! Not only will they
experience epic Bible adventures but they will
also watch for God in everyday life through
something called God Sightings. You and your
children will discover that God is active in our
lives and that His fingerprints are everywhere!
Kingdom Rock is filled with unforgettable
Bible-learning experiences. Students will see,
hear, touch, and even taste! All-new imagination
station activities will give students the royal
treatment! Plus, team-building games, cool Bible
songs, and tasty treats to keep everyone on the
VBS takes place at the Knights of Columbus
Hall, Lincoln, June 24-29 from 8:30-11:30 am.
Registration deadline is June 17. To register,
go to the website of
www.holyfamilylincoln.com OR
call (217) 871-9820. Consider joining this
royally-rockin’ realm and make VBS a part of
your child’s 2013 summer!
Lincoln Area Neighborhood VBS presents
“Athens – Paul’s Dangerous Adventure to Share
the Truth” will be held Mon. July 8th thru
Fri. July 12th from 6-8:30pm for all
children preschool age to 6th grade. Churches
working together for this year’s neighborhood
VBS are: First United Methodist Church, First
Presbyterian Church, Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, First Baptist church, St. John’s United
Church of Christ, and Immanuel Lutheran Church.
Anyone with internet access is asked to
preregister your child at:
NeighborhoodVBS .
More information is available at:
Zion Lutheran Church VBS, 205
Pulaski St. Lincoln, July 15th-19th,
9:00 - Noon
Join us
as we learn about God's gifts "From
Above" for children Pre-K through
6th grade. Pre-registration is
preferred by July 1st and
will ensure that a t-shirt is
ordered for your child. Pre-register
at Zion or by calling the church
office at (217) 732-3946.