March 9th from 6 am to 1 pm join us for the
ultimate all-you-can-eat breakfast fundraiser for the
ministry of Lincoln Christian Church’s Good News Creative
Arts. Menu includes: pancakes, eggs, sausage, biscuits,
gravy, and fried potatoes. Tickets available at the church
office or at the Lincoln Christian Church Fellowship
Center, 204 N. McLean St. in downtown Lincoln, the day
of the breakfast.
The Congregation of Immanuel Lutheran Church will
have lent services each Wednesday at 7 pm a Lenten Devotional Service will
be held with Pastor Lisa Goodwin, St. John’s, Hartsburg and
Pastor Kampreth of Immanuel alternating. There will be a coffee hour following the
St. John United Church of Christ,
204 Seventh St., welcomes
all people, no matter where they are on life's journey, and
practices open communion.
During the Lenten season,
Wednesday mornings at 10 a study will be offered on the
theme "The Way of Forgiveness." Every Wednesday evening,
there will be a Lenten program, "Chocolate for Lent," in the
Fellowship Hall at 7 p.m., with a light soup meal served at 6:30
Any questions can be directed to Pastor Jan Johnson at the church
office, 732-6957.
Christian Church would like to invite women to a six
week ladies bible study on Monday nights at 7:00
p.m. They will be reading the book: “The Story”. The
Story is a book full of excerpts from God’s Story, the
Bible, and thoughtfully placed in chronological order. Each
week they will discuss questions from the following week’s
reading. Chantell Mills will also give strategies that will
help you to understand God’s Story more fully. This session
is great for someone who has never studied the Bible before
and will rekindle the flame for God’s Story for those who
have known this Story for many years. Sessions run thru Monday, March 11th. You
may contact Chantell for more details at 217-314-9101 or

Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University classes will be
offered by iWorshipCenter at their Lincoln, Illinois
campus (304 N. McLean St.). The course consists of 9
action-packed lessons that will be held on Sunday
evenings at 5:00 PM starting March 17th, 2013 with a
class preview on March 10th at 5:00 PM. This life-changing
class taught by Dave Ramsey and the FPU teaching team on
video will help you achieve your financial goals by showing
you how to eliminate debt, save for the future, and give
like never before. You will be challenged and motivated to
make a plan for your money and change your family tree
forever. Classes are $95 and registration is available
online at
If you have
any questions, please contact iWorshipCenter at 217-522-5632.
The Service of the Shadows is a very special
event during Holy Week on Thursday evening, March 28th,
at 7 pm, at Lincoln Christian Church. The Service of
the Shadows takes us on a journey as Jesus meets
with his disciples in the upper room and on to the garden of
Gethsemane to prepare to go to the cross. It is a solemn
service filled with gripping images from The Passion of
the Christ, moving music provided by the Sanctuary Choir
and the Handbells, and communion. This service will prepare
your heart for the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross on Good
Friday and ultimately for His resurrection on Easter
Sunday! You will want to make this very moving service a
part of your Holy week worship experience. |