Giant Post Card Auction
Saturday, April 6, 2013 10:00 a.m.
Preview Thursday and
Friday from noon to 5p.m.
Logan County Fairgrounds
300,000 Cards Selling in 350 Lots
110 Lots are Albums with 100 to 350 cards each
240 Lots of boxed cards
with 500 to 1,500 cards each (many over 1,000)
150 Lots of protective sheets filled with 20
cards each
Cards include Christmas, Santa, Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland,
Barbie & Ken; Princess Diana & Queen Elizabeth; Cowboys; Indians; Old
Publisher A; Native American Indians; Early advertising; Farmers Bank of
Scroggin & Sons; GAR; Lincoln; ECC Series; foil; historic; Oniell Dolls;
photo post cards; animals; Masonic; local advertising; modern
advertising; Coke Cola, Campbell’s Kids; McDonalds; Kellogg’s; Old
Sleepy Eye; Washington DC; Corn Palace; Political; Presidents; Mt.
Vernon; Garfield; ships; WWI & WWII disasters; Disney & Looney Toons;
Old movie stars & celebrities; Springfield IL; New York City; Statue of
Liberty; State Capitols; children; Route 66; Courting couples; Signed
Artists; automobiles; airplanes; trains; Expositions and Worlds Fairs;
Arts; Events & Festivals;; Arbuckles Brothers; Religious & Rally cards;
landscapes; Victorian; cartoon characters; Chicago; Foilex Star Trek &
Star Wars; Irish; St Patrick’s day; Holiday; Easter; Industry & Farming;
leather; Souvenir; states; Cities; Hickey & Breckenridge; Fred Harvey;
Tichnor; Mitchells; Leighton; Embossed cards; Curteich Linen; Kropp
Publishers; Bosselman; Bicentennial;
Charlotte V. Key Living Trust
For more information contact David Edwards
(217) 737-0081 or 737-0084
Mike Maske Auction Service
119 S. Lafayette St.,
Mt. Pulaski, IL
(217) 519-3959
IL Auction License #440.000157
TERMS: Cash or good
negotiable check payable on the day of the Auction. Registration video
taped and a valid photo ID is required to obtain a buyers number. A
preview of the above will be on Thursday and Friday prior from noon to
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White Auction House
501 S. Kickapoo St. Lincoln, IL 62656
Saturday, April 6, 2013 10:00 a.m.
Viewing Friday, April 5th from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Coke machine; antique dark round base table w/4 chairs;
wooden beer boxes; wooden chicken coop; kerosene lamps; barn lantern;
wooden baby cradle; antique hand tools; wide variety of costume jewelry.
FURNITURE: 50’s/60‘s
double bedroom set, drop leaf dining table/2 leaves/6 chairs/small
hutch, dresser w/mirror, kitchen formica table/2 leaves/4 chairs;
Loveseat; recliners; occasional chairs; entertainment ctr.; chests of
drawers; end & coffee tables; lamps.
Wide variety of dishes glassware utensils; pots & pans;
Fertilizer spreader; wheel barrow; 7 ft. aluminum ladder;
hose/winders; ladders; lawn mowers; glass top patio table; lawn chairs.
There are many more items than are listed here.
Terms: Cash on the day
of the sale or check with a valid picture ID. Not responsible for
accidents or for items after they are sold. Announcements on the day of
the sale take precedence over printed material.
White Auction Service
Auctioneers: Col. Dan White & Gary Morris
Il. License Numbers: 440000381 & 441000185
501 S. Kickapoo St., Lincoln, IL 62656
Phone: 217-732-4718 or Cell: 217-737-8984
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