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Monday, March 25, 2013

How can such a Dark event bring such a bright Dawn?

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The current economic recession has brought about a great loss of hope for many Americans. The word is, more and more people are giving up. We have more and more job loss, failed mortgages, and accumulation of debt that is out of control.

At the same time, it’s also given us an opportunity, especially at Easter, to remind the faithful that there is more to life than material goods.
What is it that makes for a good life? 401(k)? Money in the bank? We know better than that. Money has never brought true happiness, satisfaction, or peace.

The hope of the Easter may provide some of us weary-recession gripped churchgoers an opportunity to have hope again.

What Easter says is that no matter how difficult circumstances are, God has the last word. Resurrection eclipsed the dark Friday crucifixion.

Easter Sunday gives proof that there’s something more than all this pain and hurt around us.

People are looking for answers; for help; for hope. This is a great time for believers to spring into action and extend our optimism to others.

God has always wanted to bring mankind hope. The essence of the Bible story — the Israelites’ journey from captivity to exodus — the coming of a Messiah – and the return of a Savior, are all meant to bring hope.

The story of Lazarus’ rising is a great reminder there is hope for humans’ greatest fear: death.

Christ’s death was considered a hopeless situation. But then came Sunday and hope was realized…hope was restored. That’s how we can face dark days; because we are assured a new day is coming.

One of the things Americans love is a good comeback story. That’s the beauty of Easter: it’s one of the greatest comeback stories of all time.

While the Easter message is celebratory and inspirational, while we are reminded of the hope of resurrection at this time of year, it is a timeless message good for all year long. And maybe it is a message you needed today.

It may feel like Friday in your life now, but hold on! Sunday is coming!

[Ron Otto, Lincoln Christian Church] 


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