The Charity Guild of St. John United Church of Christ will
host a program by Carol Webb, a member of the International
Leadership Team of The Grail on Tuesday, March 26 beginning at 6;
30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of the church.
The Grail is an international movement of women of different
cultures, social backgrounds and generations located in 17
countries. Her work is focused particularly on education,
training and community development in the global south. She has
given workshops and trainings in Brasil, Papua New Guinea,
Portugal, Mocambique, South Africa, Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania.
About her involvement for almost 40 years, Carol tells us, “The
Grail is an organization committed to building a world of
justice and peace through education and action. We focus our
work particularly on encouraging the full participation of women
in their communities and the world at large. At the heart of
Grails life is our spirituality and search for a deeper
understanding of God and God’s presence in our world.
Acknowledging that we are part of the whole creation, we strive
to live simply and to nurture a culture of care for all the
The Congregation of Immanuel Lutheran Church,1409
Pulaski St., will observe Holy Week with a communion
service on Maundy Thursday, March 28, at 7:00 P.M..
as we commemorate the Last Supper. All baptized Christians
are invited to share in communion. The service will conclude
with stripping of the altar in preparation for Good Friday.
On Good Friday at 7:00 P.M. we will hold a Tenebrae
Service of hymns and readings. Throughout the service
lighting will be diminished until at the close of the
service the santuary is in total darkness for a brief period
commemorating the death of our Lord. Worshippers are asked
to leave the sanctuary in complete silence.
Easter Sunrise Service will begin at 6:30 A.M.
as we celebrate our risen Lord. The Service will be followed
by a breakfast featuring egg casseroles and fruit. At
9:00 A.M. the Festival Easter Service will
Everyone is invited to participate in these worship
St. John United Church of Christ,
204 Seventh St., welcomes
all people, no matter where they are on life's journey, and
practices open communion.
During the Lenten season,
Wednesday mornings at 10 a study will be offered on the
theme "The Way of Forgiveness." Every Wednesday evening,
there will be a Lenten program, "Chocolate for Lent," in the
Fellowship Hall at 7 p.m., with a light soup meal served at 6:30
Any questions can be directed to Pastor Jan Johnson at the church
office, 732-6957.
Celebration of Holy Week
begins with Palm
Sunday services at 10:30 a.m. with the children’s entry waving
palm branches at St. John United Church of Christ, 204 7th Street.
That day also includes a trip to the Passion Play in Bloomington.
Services during the week are:
Maundy Thursday, March 28 7:00 p.m. Seder Meal with
Good Friday, March 29,
7:00 p.m. Tenebrae Service with Communion.
Saturday, March 30,
Sundown to 7:00 a.m. Easter: Lenten Vigil
Easter Sunday, March
31, 7:00 a.m. Sunrise Service on the front lawn of church
8:00 a.m. Easter Breakfast
9:00 a.m. Sunday School with Easter egg hunt
10:30 a.m. Resurrection Worship with Special Music & Holy
The United Church of Christ practices Open Communion and welcomes
all people no matter where they are on life’s journey.
1st Presbyterian Church Holy Week and
Easter Schedule is as follows:
Palm Sunday
10:00 Worship Service including waving of palms,
sermon delivered by Gary Davis and Communion.
11:00 Lenten Concert by Saundra DeAthos-Meers. Sandy
is a highly acclaimed opera performer and guest soloist.
She will sing a half hour concert which will include
classical sacred music and spirituals immediately following
Maundy Thursday
7:00 Worship Service including sermon delivered by
Carroll Richards, Communion, and optional foot washing.
Good Friday
11:00 a.m – 4:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross. Stop
in anytime between 11 and 4 for a time of reflection based
around the Seven Stations of the Cross.
Easter Sunday
10:00 Worship Service. An Easter Celebration Service
including a sermon delivered by Clay Ham and Communion.
The church is located at 301 Pekin St. in Lincoln. For more
information Ph. 217-732-6141.

The Lincoln Area Ministerial Association will host
its annual Community Good Friday Service on
Friday, March 29, 7:00 PM at Jefferson Street
Christian Church, 1700 N. Jefferson St. The
entire community is invited to attend. This year's
speaker is Robert Long, the pastor of Abundant Life
House of Praise in Lincoln. The service will also
include times of singing, reflection and prayer, as
worshipers contemplate the sacrifice of Jesus
Christ together.
Child care will be available for children from
nursery to pre-k. At the end of the evening, a
love offering will be collected to support the
assistance fund of Lincoln Pastoral Counseling
Services, which helps to provide counseling
services for those who cannot otherwise afford
the service.
Resurrection Sunday schedule.
Sunday, March 31st there will be two Worship opportunities;
8:30am & 10am. Preaching minister, Dustin Fulton, will be
preaching, “AMAZED AGAIN: An Amazing Journey” from Luke 24:13-35.
Everyone is invited to join them for worship.
For more information call 732-9294 or visit their website at:
Week Services at Jefferson St. Christian Church
The Service of the Shadows is a very
special event during Holy Week on Thursday evening,
March 28th, at 7 pm, at Lincoln Christian
Church. The Service of the Shadows
takes us on a journey as Jesus meets with his disciples
in the upper room and on to the garden of Gethsemane to
prepare to go to the cross. It is a solemn service
filled with gripping images from The Passion of the
Christ, moving music provided by the Sanctuary Choir
and the Handbells, and communion. This service will
prepare your heart for the sacrifice of Jesus on the
cross on Good Friday and ultimately for His resurrection
on Easter Sunday! You will want to make this very
moving service a part of your Holy week worship
Friday, March 29th at 7pm there will
be a Community Good Friday Service at Jefferson Street
Christian Church, 1700 N. Jefferson Street in Lincoln.
Easter Sunday, March 31st at 10am join
us in the Earl C. Hargrove Chapel on the campus of
Lincoln Christian University for Worship of our risen
Easter Weekend services will be held at the
Atlanta United Methodist Church as follows:
Lifeline Service at 5 P.M. on
Saturday, March 30TH
Service at 8 A.M., followed by an Easter
Breakfast served by the Atlanta United Methodist
Men. Sunday School at 9:30
Service at 10:30 A.M.
church is at the corner of 2nd and Race Streets, and
is handicapped accessible.
Atlanta Community will come together on Good
Friday, March 29, for worship and praise.
Gathering place is the Atlanta Assembly of God
Church, with service beginning at 7:00 P.M.
Easter Sunday, March 31st, Full
Gospel Tabernacle would like to invite you
to experience ONE MEGA Service at 10am at
the Lincoln Banquet Center, located at
201 Madigan Drive in Lincoln.
Zion Lutheran Church, 205 Pulaski Street, Lincoln
Maundy Thursday, March 28
7:00 p.m. Service
Good Friday,
March 29
7:00 p.m. Service
Celebrate the
Resurrection of our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Sunday, March
6:00 a.m. Sonrise Service
Breakfast 7:00 a.m.
Festival of
Resurrection Services
8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.