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Wednesday, May 08, 2013


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I was sitting in a large auditorium full of people in the midst of a Ron Kenoly concert when all of a sudden he walked my way. He stopped the concert and said directly to me, “Sing Jesus Loves Me.” I looked at him in disbelief. (he did not…yes he did) It is amazing how many things can go through your mind in a split second. (My life is a mess! There is not any hope! Now God is embarrassing me by pointing me out in front of thousands of people. Not only that, he wants me to sing…I can’t sing. I mean…I really can’t sing!) He said it again, “sing Jesus loves me.” I embarrassingly, realizing at that moment, everyone all over the auditorium is looking at me, stated again, “I cannot sing.” With firmness yet gentleness he said it a third and final time, “Sing Jesus loves me.” Finally, reluctantly I did it. I sang Jesus loves me just like I use to as a kid in church. The singing was horrific! He even said, “You’re right, you cannot sing” and then he went on with his concert. As I sat there, I sank lower in the seat and God and I had a one-sided conversation. “That was really good God…embarrassing me in front of thousands of people…but I deserve it…” and I wept. Life sucked! I did not see any hope of life ever being good again. I just wanted to die! Have you been there? Perhaps you are there right now…hopeless…almost lifeless. Easter means you do not have to stay there! Easter is the greatest demonstration of love ever shown in the history of the world. Read this and think about it…what AMAZING LOVE!

Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:5-8)

I thought God was embarrassing me when in reality He was reaching out to me. He made me declare a truth that is not only true for me, but you also. No matter what you have done. No matter where you are right now. The truth is: Jesus loves me…He loves you! He proved it a long time ago and He still proves it today.

 I did not mention it earlier, and did not know it when I agreed to attend the concert. The title of both his current album and tour were Welcome Back. The whole tour/album was based on one of his sons who fell away from the Lord and then came back to the Lord. Ron Kenoly had no idea that on that night in Louisville, Kentucky he was reaching out to another prodigal…another seemingly hopeless cause…a screwed up life…a failure…but God knew. He did when he sent His Son to die on the cross and rise from the dead that first Easter morning. He did when he spoke through Ron to me causing me to declare before thousands how much He loves me. He knows right now as you are reading this and He is reaching out to you.

He did not…YES HE DID…and I am so glad He did!

If you want to hear more about this love…the greatest love ever…join us Easter Sunday as I speak about the love God has for each of us. When you experience the love of God, your life will never be the same! This Easter…there is HOPE! No matter what…JESUS LOVES YOU and so do I!

[Pastor Larry A. Crawford, Open Arms Christian Fellowship]


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