St. John
United Church of Christ in Lincoln will celebrate their
annual Music Festival Sunday on May 19 during
their 10:30 worship service.
Pastor Jan Johnson will lead this service with a special
liturgy using hymns that she and Silas Tockey have written.
They will be joined by the organist, Laura Lee and choir
directors, David Helm, Darlene Begolka and Donna Kessinger
with the Angel Choir, Chancel Choir, Adult Chime and
Handbell choirs, Little Bells and Music Makers Chime Choir.
The public is invited to worship and experience worship in
the international language of music.
St. John United Church of Christ is located at the corner of
7th and Maple Streets in Lincoln.
Any questions call Pastor Jan Johnson at church 732-6957
Pointe Church of God, 601 Pulaski St. (former Courier
Building) is having a quarter auction Tuesday, May 28th at
6:30pm. Doors open at 5:30pm. Vendors include Lemongrass
Spa, The Cloth Penguin, Pampered Chef, Paparazzi,
Tupperware, Dove Chocolate Discoveries, Lia Sophia,
Babyations, Jamberry Nails, Scentsy, Pink Zebra, Celebrating
Home, It Works, Clever Container Lady, Faith Jewelry,
Beauticontrol and many more. Come eat and enjoy all the fun.
For more information call Terri at 737-0739.

It is with mixed emotions that we announce the
retirement of Mrs. Wright, our preschool director. We
rejoice with her in this new adventure in her life, and
thank her for her faithful service to children and families
at Lincoln Christian. Her passion for teaching children in
their early childhood years has been a blessing to many,
many families. She will be missed by all. Our
congratulations and best wishes to her!
We are currently working on the 2013-2014 school year. Call
the church office for registration information, 732-7618.
Lincoln Christian Church
VBS 2013 - June 23-27
Mark your calendar now! Plans for “God’s
Backyard Bible Camp Under the Stars” are
underway and we are excited! Each evening at VBS
we will hear Bible stories that take place at
night! It’s sure to be the best adventure of the
summer! For more information call 732-7618