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27, 2013]
Thank you for your patience while the library
made the switch to a new database.
The change is complete, and any small glitches are now being
worked out. If you have any problems accessing the database online
from home, please see the staff in the Annex.
Homework Helper
The last day for the Homework Helper program is May 9.
Homework Helper is a free program facilitated by Lincoln
Christian University and is available in the Annex on Mondays
through Thursdays, 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. Children in third through sixth
grade can attend on an as-needed basis for assistance from LCU
students with homework and reading skills. Please remember that
children must be 8 years old to be un-chaperoned in the library.
The butterfly larvae have arrived and are busy spinning their
cocoons. They will hatch soon into beautiful Painted Lady
butterflies. When they are all ready, we will release them outdoors.
Stop by often to see the developments in Miss Lou's window. |
The Lincoln Public Library
located at 725 Pekin St., with adult nonfiction and
reference materials in the historic Carnegie Building. The Annex directly behind
houses adult fiction and the
Youth Services Department.
All library events are free and
open to the public. Online, visit
Hours are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Tuesdays
and Thursdays, 9 a.m.-7 p.m.; and Saturdays, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
217-732-8878 for adult services and 217-732-5732 for youth services.
Story times and craft classes Story times and craft classes
will return for the summer session in June.
Story Time age groups are 6 months through 2 years old and 3- and
4-year-olds, which meet on either Tuesdays or Wednesdays at 10 a.m.
The 5- to 7-year-olds meet either Mondays or Tuesdays at 2 p.m.
Sign-up begins May 28. Come by or call the Youth Services Department
at 732-5732 to register your child.
Craft classes are for ages 8-12 and will meet each Thursday at 2
p.m. Children register for each class they want to attend, starting
one week before each class. A listing of each craft will be posted
in the library. Come by or call the Youth Services Department at
732-5732 to register your child.
Summer Reading Program
Sign-up week for the Lincoln Public Library Summer Reading
Program is May 28 through June 1.
Work has already begun to get ready for the summer activities at
the library. This summer the program has a travel theme, "Have Book
-- Will Travel!" The main program is for preschoolers and grade
school children, and it runs May 28 through July 20. Along with
reading for prizes, the library will also offer story times, craft
classes and Thursday morning entertainment. All elementary students
in Lincoln schools will be given an information packet to take home.
The reading program for teens runs June 3 through July 13.
Miss Lou's blog
Louella Moreland, youth services librarian,
has a
that can be accessed by linking through the library
website. She
lists the library's new children's and young adult books and
introduces library programs. Tell her your ideas and suggestions.
You can also view videos and pictures of library programs.
[to top of second column] |

Circulation news
Gift certificates -- Need a gift idea? You can purchase a
one-year library card for an individual or family living outside the
library district. The library will provide a gift certificate for
presenting, and the recipient can bring it in, along with a photo ID
and proof of address, to receive their very own library card.
Book clubs -- The circulation desk in the Annex collects reading
lists for all the book clubs in the area. So if you can't remember
what you read or what you are supposed to read, you're covered. Drop
off your lists at the circulation desk or email April Jensen,
circulation manager, at
Going on a trip? -- The circulation
staff can put a hold on any outstanding requests you may have so you
will get them when you return. Just stop by and let the staff know
your travel dates.
Links on the library website
The library website has links to many free services, such as
Library on the Go, WorldCat, Khan Academy, the improved World Book
Web and the Ask a Librarian service, as well as various downloadable
forms. Check out what's new.
[Text from file received from Marlene
Lincoln Public Library]