Lincoln Woman's Club to install officers at Wednesday luncheon
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13, 2013]
Lincoln Woman's Club
officers will be installed during a Wednesday noon spring luncheon at the
club building, and a memorial service will be conducted for deceased members
Millie Anderson and Wini Trapp. |
Greeters for the meeting will be Diane Osborn and Suzanne Benner,
with Marcia Howen and Carol Schwantz serving as social
co-chairwomen. Judy Lumpp will give the devotional.
Barbara Dahm will be installed for a second term as president.
Other officers are Ruth Sloot, first vice president; Mary Cooper,
second vice president; Diane Osborn, recording secretary; and Janet
Langenbahn, treasurer. Cheryl Hall will be installed to a three-year
term on the board of directors. Others continuing on the board of
directors are Louann Bleess, Jackie Campbell, Carol Grunder and Deb