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EU: China may be dumping mobile network equipment

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[May 16, 2013]  BRUSSELS (AP) -- A senior EU official says China may be illegally dumping and subsidizing the import into Europe of mobile telephone networks and their essential elements. But Competition Commissioner Karel De Gucht says an official investigation, while approved by the European Commission, won't be launched now as officials seek an amicable resolution.

Wednesday's announcement came as the Commission, the EU's executive arm, is nearing the end of an investigation into whether China illegally dumped solar panels into the EU.

The Commission said China's export of telecommunication network equipment to the EU market amounts to 1 billion euros ($1.3 billion) per year.

If items are "dumped" at artificially low prices, or are supported by banned government subsidies, that can put companies inside the EU that follow the rules at an unfair competitive advantage.

[Associated Press]

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