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Egypt: 3 women killed in 'honor' crime

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[May 24, 2013]  LUXOR, Egypt (AP) -- An Egyptian security official says 10 male relatives have killed a mother and her two daughters on suspicion of moral offenses -- so-called honor killings.

The official said Friday the men suspected the three women of having affairs, and killed them to protect the family's honor. The three bodies were found in the Nile River near the ancient city of Luxor. They were wrapped in blankets and weighted with stones.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to reporters.

"Honor killings" are common in Egypt, especially in the conservative southern region where women are often killed if caught in extramarital relations for bringing shame on their families.

The practice is against Egyptian law, and perpetrators are prosecuted if they are arrested.

[Associated Press; By HAGGAG SALAMA]

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