Open Arms & Mission Mart partner for 2nd annual Thanksgiving dinner
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01, 2013]
Open Arms Christian
Fellowship offers a free Thanksgiving meal on Sunday, Nov. 24, from 4 to 7
p.m. at the church, 311 Broadway. Last year 300-400 people enjoyed this free
meal and time of fellowship. This year the church is preparing 20 turkeys
and all the fixings -- mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, dressing and
dessert. |
Home Sweet Home Ministries of Bloomington and Mission Mart of
Lincoln are partnering with Open Arms Christian Fellowship in this
community event. All the funds from selling "Turkey Cards" at the
Lincoln Mission Mart are staying in the community, helping with this
meal and providing Thanksgiving meals to others in need in Lincoln
and Logan County. You can purchase a Turkey Card for $2 during
normal business hours at Mission Mart and help others in the
community. Spread the word and let others know of this community
Open Arms Christian Fellowship is the church that sponsors the
annual Family Fun Day for the community.
For more information, call the church
office at 217-732-4800 or visit |