This year, Home Sweet Home Ministries,
which owns Mission Mart stores in Lincoln and Bloomington, decided
to change the way they offer assistance to local ministries. Each
store offered shoppers an opportunity to purchase "Turkey Cards,"
with a promise that the money raised locally would stay in the
community. Burgess said
Friday that making the change has been a very good thing, not only
for Lincoln but for Bloomington as well. He said that with the
promise that the money would be used locally, both stores doubled
what they brought in this year compared with last year.
Crawford talked about how the money
would be used. First, it will assist with the provision of a
Thanksgiving meal this Sunday evening at the Open Arms church.
Crawford said the church has sent out approximately 1,200
invitations to people in the community, inviting them to come and
enjoy a free turkey dinner with all the trimmings.
He noted that last year was the
first time his church had done this, and they served approximately
300 to 400 meals. He said he believes the number will grow
significantly this year, and the church is planning for at least
In addition to the meal Sunday,
Crawford said meals would be taken to those in need. Crawford said
the churches in Lincoln are wonderful about working together to help
meet the needs of the community. They do much of this through the
local ministerial association, he said.
All the churches in town have been
contacted and asked to notify Crawford of any members in need who
could benefit from a nice holiday meal. He added that he has a few
on the meal delivery list right now and is expecting more as time
As the check presentation came to a
close on Friday, Crawford added that anyone who wishes to come to
dinner Sunday evening is most certainly welcome.
The Open Arms church is at 311
Broadway St. in Lincoln. Serving will begin at 4 p.m. Sunday and run
through 7 p.m.
County Arts & Crafts Guild to have holiday party Monday
The Logan County Arts & Crafts Guild will meet
Monday, Nov. 25, at 5 p.m. at Bonanza for the guild's annual
Christmas party. Those attending are asked to bring a
homemade gift for the exchange after the meal.
Guests are welcome.
Jaycees seek donations for Washington
The Lincoln Jaycees are asking for donations
for disaster relief in Washington. The Jaycees will accept donations from
now till Dec. 6 and will make trips once a week to drop off any items are
donated and to help with the cleanup effort.
The following items have been
requested by those in Washington: nonperishable food items, bottled
water, large garbage bags, toiletries, work gloves, bleach, buckets,
sponges, mops, towels, baby formula, infant care items, diapers,
bedding, flashlights, batteries, manual can openers, aspirin, duct
tape, matches, scissors, toilet paper, paper towels, female hygiene
For more information or to have items
for donation picked up, contact:
Thomas Hackett, 217-737-3463
Snyder, 217-314-0812
The Lincoln Jaycees are also
accepting monetary donations. If you would like to make a monetary
donation, send it to: Lincoln Jaycees, P.O. Box 254, Lincoln, IL
encourage community to support Angel Tree
The Lincoln Jaycees are
once again asking the community to help children in need in Logan County to
have a better Christmas. You can choose a child's tag with his or her needs
off one of the Angel Trees located around Lincoln and shop for that child.
The Lincoln Jaycees will distribute the gifts to the family.
The public can find the Angel Trees at
Cracker Barrel, ALMH cafeteria, CEFCU, Illini Bank and State Bank of
Lincoln. Angel Trees are also at Eaton, Verallia, Sysco and
International Paper for their employees. Gifts need to be returned
to businesses by Monday, Dec. 9.
The Lincoln Jaycees are also accepting
monetary donations. If you would like to make a monetary donation,
send it to: Lincoln Jaycees, P.O. Box 254, Lincoln, IL 62656.
Smoke asks for help for Washington
The crew from BloNo Smoke on Woodlawn Road is
asking for the community to help Washington, Ill., with donations after a
horrific tornado strike this weekend. While no one can go into Washington
yet, these guys are planning on collecting food and water until they can go.
"I want to help," said Dennis
Robinson, owner. "If it had been our community, I'd like to think
others would come to our rescue."
Feel free to drop off donations at 529
Woodlawn or call 828-0651 to help.
Jewelers offers unique help to Logan County Food Pantry
MKS Jewelers in downtown Lincoln
has found a creative way to help families in need this Christmas.
Beginning Tuesday, Nov. 19, MKS is selling black ice zirconia
earrings for $5 and donating the entire amount to the Logan County
Food Pantry.
"My family and I are very grateful
to this community, which has allowed us to stay in business for so
long," says store owner Melody Shew. "This is just a small way for
us to be able to help local families during this holiday season.
Every $5 donated goes directly to the food pantry. It feels good to
be able to help make a difference."
Shew added, "Our supply of earrings
is limited, and I want as many customers as possible to be able to
participate, so we have a limit of one pair of earrings per person."
MLS Jewelers is at 614 Broadway in
Lincoln. You may contact the store at 217-732-6520.
cookie time at HSLC
Order yours today Planning holiday parties or
looking for gifts to give special friends or relatives? Let the Humane
Society of Logan County do your holiday baking. HSLC is once again taking
orders for holiday cookie trays.
Each tray will contain three dozen
fancy holiday cookies with a variety of at least 12 different kinds
of cookies. The cost is still only $15 per tray. Larger trays are
also available.
To place
orders, call Adrienne at 217-732-1979. The deadline is Dec. 6.
Orders can be picked up on
Saturday, Dec. 14, at Graue Chevrolet, 1905 N. Kickapoo St., from 9
a.m. to 3 p.m.
All proceeds benefit the Humane
Society of Logan County.
County Democrats cancel December meeting
The Logan County Democrats
will not have a meeting in December due to holiday schedules. The Democrats
will resume their regular monthly meetings in January. The next meeting will
be Saturday, Jan. 11, at 10 a.m. at the Lincoln Public Library.
Rebecca Drake, county Democratic
chair, announced that Bill Houlihan, downstate chief of staff for
Sen. Richard Durbin, will be guest speaker at the January meeting.
Houlihan is a candidate for the 18th Congressional District State
Central Committee.
All Logan
County Democrats are welcome to attend.
Christmas on Vinegar Hill comes this
MOUNT PULASKI — The 25th annual
Christmas on Vinegar Hill will be on Saturday, Nov. 23, from 8 a.m.
to 5 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 24, from noon to 4 p.m. The event will
include locations in private homes, churches and businesses in the
Mount Pulaski area offering crafts, antiques, baked goods and more.
A number of locations will serve homemade food.
Green wooden Christmas trees with
numbers and letters will mark the shopping sites. Maps will be
available at all locations and at the courthouse. Over 125 crafters
and antique collectors will be on hand for this event.
The Mount Pulaski Courthouse, where
Abraham Lincoln argued cases when he rode the old 8th Judicial
Circuit, will be open on Saturday to allow visitors to enjoy period
decorations in the town offices and courtroom.
There will be 30 locations open on
Saturday and 14 locations open on Sunday. For further information,
visit and click on "Christmas
on Vinegar Hill."
Christmas on Vinegar Hill takes its
name from a colorful period in the town's past. Prior to the repeal
of the 18th Amendment in 1933, ending Prohibition, Mount Pulaski
stayed "wet" longer than the surrounding "dry" towns. Since Mount
Pulaski had 13 prosperous saloons and a few bootleggers, the
railroads brought many customers into town from several directions.
Upon nearing the town, the conductor would call out "Vinegar Hill —
next stop." Passengers would ride in with empty flasks and ride out
with full ones. Thus, the town earned the nickname "Vinegar Hill."
[to top of second
column] |

of Talents offers 'take-and-bake' cinnamon rolls for the holidays
Cinnamon breakfast rolls are a
long-standing tradition of the Harvest of Talents for World Hunger,
dating back to the time when sisters Glenda Appel Allison and Gail
Appel Clark made the first batch of 300 rolls from a recipe of their
mother, Veva Appel.
This year at the October event, some
1,900 cinnamon and caramel pecan rolls were baked under the
leadership of Joe and Melanie Schaler and served as breakfast fare
at the 30th annual Harvest of Talents.
At the request of fans, the cinnamon
roll project is taking on a new dimension. This year, for the first
time, cinnamon rolls will be offered in "take-and-bake" form for
holiday entertaining.
Pre-orders are being received for
frozen cinnamon rolls with a container of icing and baking
directions for $3 per roll. Gluten-free rolls will also be available
for purchase. Rolls may be ordered in any quantity. They will be
individually frozen and packaged in zip-lock bags, making it
convenient to remove and bake only the amount desired.
Prepayment is required. Order forms
are available in the office of Lincoln Christian Church, or by
contacting Melanie Schaler at or 217-871-8254.
All orders must be picked up on
Saturday, Dec. 14, between 9 a.m. and noon, at the small canopy
entrance off the church parking lot.
Anyone having further questions
should contact Schaler.
If you're looking for a special
treat for visiting relatives or something special for Christmas
breakfast when the kids come home from college, perhaps Harvest
"take and bake" cinnamon rolls are your solution.
The Schalers say, "Just pop the
cinnamon rolls in your oven, and your home will have that same
wonderful aroma that fills the Fellowship Center each October on
Harvest of Talents morning."
Tammy Renee Harris to perform in Mount Pulaski on Dec. 12
MOUNT PULASKI — Well-known singer
Tammy Renee Harris will appear in concert at Mount Pulaski on
Thursday, Dec. 12. The Christmas concert performance will be from 2
to 3:30 p.m. at the Mount Pulaski Christian Church Family Life
Desserts will be served from 1 to 2
p.m., prior to the concert.
There will be a freewill offering
Harris is "so charismatic and has
such a tremendous voice," reports a previous attendee at several of
her recent Illinois concerts.
Lincoln Christian Church to host
'Unleashed for the Unreached' prayer wall
Nov. 20-27, the "Unleashed for the Unreached"
prayer wall will be at Lincoln Christian Church in Lincoln. The traveling
wall lists people groups who currently have no missionaries and no access to
the Bible. People visiting the wall are encouraged to pick a people group to
pray for. Several activities are planned to correspond with the visit of the
wall. A news release about the prayer
wall provides this background:
"Because we live in
a church saturated culture where Bibles can be accessed on our
phones and there are churches on every corner, it is difficult to
grasp that 2.7 billion people in the world have never heard
the name of Jesus, have no access to a Bible, have no missionary,
and may never hear the Gospel. Researchers have identified around
7,000 people groups with a total population of 2.7 billion as being
unreached—this is approximately 40% of the world's population!
"All of these
numbers can seem like random statistics. What if there was a way to
visualize the enormity of the task of reaching all of these people
with the life-changing message of the Gospel? Imagine a 60 ft. wall
containing a list of the 1,587 largest unreached people groups. This
wall is called the Unleashed for the Unreached Prayer Wall
and helps to make the enormous task before us of reaching the world
for Christ visually memorable and calls believers to prayer."
According to the
Unleashed for the Unreached
website, the campaign was launched at the 2011 North American
Christian Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio, when the convention
president, Dudley Rutherford, delivered his keynote address on the
evening of July 5, 2011. "He asked churches everywhere to partner
together to form networks that would boldly tackle the problem of
getting the word out to unreached people groups and cities still
uninformed about the Good News of Jesus Christ," the website says.
The initiative connects local
churches with unreached peoples and cities, facilitated by trained
project fulfillment specialists, peer mentoring and prayer.
The "Wall
of Unreached Peoples" has been featured at the North American
Christian Convention and the International Conference on Missions.
When the wall is at Lincoln
Christian Church from Wednesday, Nov. 20, through Wednesday, Nov.
27, there will be multiple opportunities for visitors to interact
with the prayer wall. Scheduled activities include:
Wednesday, Nov. 20, at 6:30 p.m.
-- "Aha" moment with Dr. Wayne Shaw
Saturday, Nov. 23, from 6
to 7:45 p.m. -- "Unleashed for the Unreached" seminar with
Doug Lucas, team expansion president
Sunday, Nov. 24, at 8:15, 9:30 and
11 a.m. -- Doug Lucas will preach.
Open time for prayer -- Saturday,
9 a.m.-6 p.m., and Sunday, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Additional prayer opportunities
for individuals and groups will be available throughout the
week. For more information or to schedule a time to come,
contact Lincoln Christian Church 217-732-7618.
Those who can't come to the events
are invited to check out the resources on, where people can get a daily
email reminder to pray about an unreached people group and find out
more information about unreached peoples. Those who would like to
commit to praying for a specific unreached people group can visit
the website,,
and find a
form under contacts. Follow
Unleashed for the Unreached or
Unreached Peoples
- Joshua Project on Facebook.
of Lincoln fall cleanup schedules: landfill hours and leaf pickup days
For the convenience of
Lincoln residents, the city landfill will be open six days a week beginning
Tuesday, Oct. 29. Landfill hours will be Tuesday through Sunday, 8 a.m. to
3:50 p.m., and closed on Mondays. The landfill is specifically for
landscape waste. Trash dumping will not be permitted there.
With the new city agreement for
commercial mulching, products brought to the landfill by residents
should be separated into two categories: wood products and lawn
waste, such as plant material and leaves.
Wood waste for mulching is defined
as logs, limbs or brush. All wood materials for recycling must be
free of all metal or foreign debris, excluding nails and bolts
three-eighths inch or smaller. Logs and limbs should be cut to a
maximum length of 4 feet.
The landfill will maintain a
six-day-a-week schedule through Tuesday, Nov. 26. Afterward the
schedule will go back to open hours Saturday and Wednesday from 8
a.m. to 3:50 p.m.
The city of Lincoln will also do
free leaf pickup inside the city limits. Pickup dates will be
scheduled by ward and are as follows:
Monday, Oct. 28
Thursday, Nov. 7
Wednesday, Nov. 20
Ward 2:
Wednesday, Oct. 30
Tuesday, Nov. 12
Nov. 22
Ward 3:
Friday, Nov. 1
Thursday, Nov. 14
Nov. 25
Ward 4:
Tuesday, Nov. 5
Monday, Nov. 18
Dec. 2
Leaves are to be placed in
biodegradable bags at the curb by 7 a.m. the day of the scheduled pickup for
your ward.