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Obama: 'I'm exasperated' over government shutdown

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[October 03, 2013]  WASHINGTON (AP) -- So how does President Barack Obama feel about the 2-day-old government shutdown?

He says: "I'm exasperated, because this is entirely unnecessary."

Interviewed Wednesday by CNBC, Obama was asked about the exasperation in his voice lately and whether he thinks his Republican opponents are craven, stupid or nuts.

He responds by saying he has "bent over backwards" to work with Republicans. He says he has tried to keep his rhetoric cool, noting his reputation for calm.

Then Obama says: "Absolutely I'm exasperated. Because this is entirely unnecessary."

Nonessential government operations shut down early Tuesday after Congress missed a deadline to fund the government. Republicans want Obama to delay a major piece of his new health care law in order to reopen the government. Obama has refused the offer.

[Associated Press]

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