Alberta Reiterman Estate
Saturday October 05,

200 East Scroggin Ave., Mt.
Pulaski, IL
(One block east of the
American Legion)
Due to the death of Alberta
Retierman, the below listed items of personal property will be
sold at public auction.
3,4,10 gal. crocks; many bags of costume jewelry; (20) Barbie
dolls; Holiday collectibles; childrens’s toys from the 40’s;
doll house; 10 vol. Children’s Classics books; School books from
40’s-60’s; slate blackboard from Jefferson School, Lincoln, IL;
Pew from Mt. Pulaski, Christian Church; green & clear
insulators; cook books; 1925 Stephen Decatur yearbook; upright
piano; claw foot organ stool; old postcards; Cyr’s 1st
& 2nd year readers; Barns National Readers; Roseville
10” nut bowl; (2) nice Hull vases; several kerosene lamps;
shelf barristers bookcase; nice high headboard full bed, triple
mirror dresser, chest; nice rd. glass front china cabinet; pine
desk; oak display case; pine computer desk; cedar chest; Formica
top kitchen table; drop leaf kitchen table; Duncan Phyfe buffet;
(2) sm wood bookcases; wash stand w/pitcher & basin; (4) rocking
chairs; lg. glass front display case; pine kitchen table w/4
chairs; several lamp tables; sleeper sofa;
Case 446 high wheel lawn tractor, mower & snow blade;
Alberta loved her bell collection. This collection
includes 75+ crystal bells; 250+ porcelain & china bells; 250
brass bells; animal, seasonal, advertising bells and (6) brass
school bells;
part set of Blue Willow; also partial set of Churchill &
Staffordshire Blue Willow set; Kelly Cat cookie jar & tea pot;
Havilland china service for 8; pressed glass pitchers; crystal
candy dishes; punch bowl; snack sets; ruffled carnival glass
vase; sm. ruffled fruit bowls; pedestal cake server;
Colby flat screen 21” TV;Sansui DVD/TV; Toshiba VCR; paper
shredder; crock pot; quartz inferred heater; (3) touch lamps;
electric organ;
top metal trunk; two & four drawer file cabinets; bedding;
covers; towels; lots & lots of greeting cards; puzzles; craft
items; board games; inflatable air mattress; pots & pans; misc.
kitchen utensils;Pyrex casseroles; sewing baskets; brass
bookends; (2) large eagles;
2 wheel hand truck; plastic storage lockers; ice chest; lawn &
garden tools; Homelite 14” chain saw; String trimmer, new in
box; hedge trimmers; garden bench; bu. baskets; AMC girls bike;
Wood glider, chair glider; wishing well; lawn ornaments; sm.
wheel barrow;
Alberta Reiterman Estate
Albert Reiterman Executor
Mike Maske Auction Service
(217) 519-3959
119 S. Lafayette St
Mt. Pulaski, IL 62548
Illinois Auction License 440.0000157
TERMS: Cash,
credit cards or good negotiable check payable on the day of the
Auction. Registration video taped and a valid photo ID is
required to obtain a buyers number. Buyers must show provided
number for each and every purchase. Announcements sale day take
precedence over printed material. Not responsible for accidents
or property after sold.
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Lynette C. Roat Estate
Saturday October 05, 2013
Auction to be Held at the Residence,
212 Dale Drive, Havana, ILL.
Directions: Rt. 136 to Prairie Ridge Drive,
Go Past Drivers License Facility
Turn onto Dale Drive, Second Home on North Side of Road
See color photos and advance sale bills
on our searchable web site:
www.knollenberg.net or auctionzip.com #16096
Dia. Oak Pedestal Table w/4 Chairs, 2 10” Leaves and Pad; Oak
62” Dia. Oval Table w/2-18” Leaves, 6 Chairs (2) Captains and
Pad; Oak 54”x75”H Lighted China Cabinet; 18”x72” Curio Cabinet
w/Glass Shelves; Bedroom Set w/5 Drawer Chest, 9 Drawer Dresser
w/Mirror, Night Stand and a Headboard; Twin Bed; Cedar Chest;
1950's Kroehler Bedroom Set w/4 Drawer Chest, 6 Drawer Dresser
w/Mirror; Full Bed; 3 pc. Bedroom Set w/Full Bed, 5 Drawer Chest
w/Mirror, Small Dresser; (2) Small Knee Hole Desks; (1) 32x60
Older Oak Office 7 Drawer Desk; (2) Platform Rockers; Lazy Boy
Recliner; (4) Sofas (1) Hide-a-Bed (1) w/Recliners on Each End;
Oak Entertainment Center; Wooden Book Shelves (1) w/Drop-down
Desk; Rocking Chair; 9 Drawer Roll Top Desk; 52” Entry Table;
Coffee Table and End Tables; 63” Wood Bench; etc.
Old Singer Treadle Sewing Machine w/Oak Cabinet, Excellent
Condition; Oak Piano Stool w/Claw Feet; Figurines including 30+
Hummels; Some Costume Jewelry; Few Pocket Watches; 12 Place
Setting of Noritake China w/Serving Pcs. #6311 Pattern; 8 Place
Setting of Haviland China; Old Music, and more.
Westinghouse Small Chest Freezer; Sanyo 26” Flat
Screen TV; 19” TV; Fans; Electric Heaters; CPX Stereo System w/5
CD Changer; VCR/DVD Player; Microwave and Other Small
Appliances; Wood and Metal Shelving; Luggage; Towels; Linens;
Pots, Pans; Silverware; (3) Sets of Card Tables and Chairs; 2
Drawer Metal File Cabinet; Several Storage Cabinets; Patio
Furniture including Table w/6 Swivel Chairs; Matching Small
Table w/2 Benches; Glider; Hall Tree; Medalist Trombone w/Case;
Cameras; Books; Puzzles; Records; Hand, Lawn and Garden Tools; 6
ft. Folding Table; Step Ladders; Lawn Cart; Bird Bath; Folding
Walker w/Wheels; Sentry 17”x17”x22”H Combo Safe; and much more.
OWNER: Lynnette C. Roat Estate
Executor: Tom Roat
Cash or Check w/Proper ID • Not Responsible For Accidents •
Lunch Served
Mason City, ILL. Office
Ph. 217-482-5351
Ron Knollenberg Cell 217-341-1219
Matt Swanson Cell 217-652-3403 Home 217-482-3010
clean offering of quality furniture and personal property, most
of which is like or near new. Don't miss this one. Your
attendance is always appreciated. Ron and Matt
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Forsyth Village Antique Mall
Sunday October 06, 2013

Auction starts with 4 rack wagons
of high quality collectibles
and then moves inside with furniture, fixtures and large items.
pottery pitchers, fine glassware, crystal, pottery, head vases,
lace and embroidery items,
Antiques & Collectibles:
large Woolworths candy store double side sign; metal toys; crock
mixing bowls; crock pitchers; flower pots; milk bottles;
medicine bottles; old hand tools;
Furniture: Hoosier cabinet,
pie safe, bookcases, piano, tea serving cart, rocking chairs,
occasional chairs, caned bottom chairs, dining room table and
chairs, lamp tables, double wash tubs; Displays, Cabinets,
You Name It
Mike Maske Auction Service
(217) 519-3959
119 S. Lafayette St
Mt. Pulaski, IL 62548
Illinois Auction License 440.0000157
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John Hassebrock Estate Auction
Saturday October 12,
Due to the death of John Hassebrock the below
personal property will be sold at Auction
tin can sealer; lg. horse shoes; hand crank grinder; 2
man x-cut saw; sm. covered cast pot; Two cylinder magazines; JD
tractor umbrella; shucking hooks & pegs; (4) ice cream chairs;
cast planter plates; McCormick hand crank corn sheller; Clipper
fan mill; 1954 Zenith Royal “R” Chassis, Television Receiver;
1927 Singer sewing machine; engine oilers; oil cans; Alexander
Werk juicer; Ford wrenches;
TOOLS: 6 drawer
Snap On tool chest; hammers; wrenches; sockets; pliers; file;
hand saws; electric drills; tap & dies; bench grinder; jack
stands; metal cutting band saw; pipe vise; bench vise; grease
LT 160, 16 hp, 42” cut 783 hrs; front tine garden tiller; Murray
42” 14 hp lawn mower; 38” lawn sweeper; misc lawn & garden
TOYS: Massey
670 1/6 scale NIB; IH 350 NIB; (20) 1/64 scale; 1/16 JD 4630 &
4650; several other International tractors;
(2) old can horns; lots of tail lights & headlights & mountings;
fender skirts; hub caps;
Frigidaire built in dishwasher (1 yr old); electric range (1 yr
old); above range mount microwave (1 yr old) Maytag refrigerator
freezer; Tappan gas stove; microwave;
leaf table w/6 chairs; drop leaf kitchen table; several
recliners; swivel rockers; upholstered love seat; modern roll
top desk; nice oak buffet; pedestal oak table; modern TV stand;
Jenny Lind full bed; cedar chest; file cabinet; sm, glass front
display case; sm oak plant stand; stereo cabinet; lamp tables;
lg metal wardrobe; sm barrel top desk; full bed; old buffet; tri
fold mirror vanity;
electric leaf blower; bedding & linens; Christmas decorations;
luggage; oak wall shelves; lawn & garden tools; lawn furniture;
golf clubs; pots & pans; kitchen utensils
John Hassebrock Estate
For more information contact
Gene Hassebrock (217)737-0208
Mike Maske Auction Service
(217) 519-3959
119 S. Lafayette St
Mt. Pulaski, IL 62548
Illinois Auction License 440.0000157
TERMS: Cash,
credit cards or good negotiable check payable on the day of the
Auction. Registration video taped and a valid photo ID is
required to obtain a buyers number. Buyers must show provided
number for each and every purchase. Announcements sale day take
precedence over printed material. Not responsible for accidents
or property after sold.
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Duane and Marjorie
Moving Auction
Saturday October 19, 2013
County Fairgrounds, Lincoln, IL 62656
Duane & Margie Smalley have moved into a smaller home and have
no need for the below listed items.
(3) bentwood chairs from LDC; (2) bentwood chairs from the Pig
Hip; (2) Odd Fellows chairs; 45 records; Fisher Price toys;
Handy Andy tool chest; 1972 Lincoln BB poster; LP records; cook
books; doll tea set; milk can; rug beater; Art Fair pottery-
Rice’s pottery Beardstown; (2) Sears catalogs; Norman Rockwell
calendars; (5) trunks & foot lockers; View Master slides,
projector & screen; Sees candy motorcycle; coffee mill; costume
Duncan Phyfe drop leaf serving table; Forrest Park cedar chest;
sm curio cabinet; maple sewing rocker; directors chair; sm pine
desk; oak library table; card table; walnut dresser; sm.
bookcase; Hide a Bed sofa; rocker recliner; swivel rocker;
modern pie safe; walnut lamp table; Windsor back maple rocker;
sewing rocker w/cane bottom; oak wash stand; white plastic table
w/4 chairs; sm enamel top cabinet; black rocker & coffee table;
gold upholstered rocker recliner; rolling library cart; oak
shadowbox table; quilt rack; (2) chrome garment rack; patio
table w/4 chairs; two seat glider;
Pfaltzgraff Filigree Pattern, service for 8 w/extra pieces;
“Federal Class, Columbia”’ service for 8; (2) Oneida
table service for 8; misc. slat & peppers; Royal Albert dessert
set; pressed glass relish dish & pitcher; 3 pc. tea set; (12)
wine glasses; Carnival Glass plates; smoked glass plates, cups,
saucers, glasses for 8; (8) Fire King custards;
Garfield; Snoopy; Beanie Babies; Peanuts books, tapes, stand up
dolls; Campbell Soup; Alf dolls;
Set of 3 “50” Favorite House by Diane Maddex; Visual
Encyclopedia, Iain Thompson; Early Works, Dover Pub.;
Chicagoland, Heing; Fallingwater, Hoffman; Design, Costantino;
calendars; FLW by Spencer Hart & Costantino; Robie House
Hoffman, signed; “Years with FLW” Edgar Tafel; California
Architecture, Zimmerman; Monoma Terrace, Masterson; Hollyhock
House, Hoffman; House Beautiful, Maddex; Talliesin West
guidebooks; FLW “The Apprentice to Genius”; Fallingwater,
Kaufmann; FLW, Cobblestone; Dana Thomas quarterly publications;
“My Father FLW” John Lloyd Wright; Monica Terrace post cards;
(2) FLW Design for Living; A guide of FLW sites in California;
Architecture of FLW by Storrer; FLW VHS tapes;
section wall mirror; quilts & comforters; queen sheets; throw
pillows; table cloths; linens & bedding; Singer portable sewing
machine; pots & pans; misc kitchen utensils;
frames; (3) bikes; trike; Dora scooter; Foosball table; electric
dart board; floor lamp; (2) high chairs; VHS tapes; ice chest;
(30) tubs of seasonal decorations & ornaments; bag folding
chairs; leaf blower; lawn & garden tools; step ladder; youth bed
& sheets; bookcase; Crosley NIB radio, turntable & CD player;
Duane & Margie Smalley, Owners
(217) 871-6177
Mike Maske Auction Service
(217) 519-3959
119 S. Lafayette St
Mt. Pulaski, IL 62548
Illinois Auction License 440.0000157
TERMS: Cash,
credit cards or good negotiable check payable on the day of the
Auction. Registration video taped and a valid photo ID is
required to obtain a buyers number. Buyers must show provided
number for each and every purchase. Announcements sale day take
precedence over printed material. Not responsible for accidents
or property after sold.
See colored pictures at
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Stanley Flory Auction
Sunday October 20, 2013

785 East Evans,
Warrensburg, IL 62573
(Forsyth Blacktop)
Stan Flory has decided to
move out of state and sell the below listed equipment and
personal property
1997 Freightliner, N14 Cummins
engine, 10 spd trans, 355 rear end, full condo sleeper, 8500
watt Double eagle generator, 1.5m total miles, 300,000 miles on
crate engine;
TRUCK: 1996
Ford F350 4x4, 7.3 liter diesel power stroke, 8’ bed, 5 spd.
trans., gooseneck hitch;
355/400 Turbo Trans., ¾ ton axles, 205 transfer case, 12”
travel coil over shocks; 38.5 TLS Super Swamper tires, needs
steering valve; Honda 100XR Dirt Bike, 1986; Honda 70 XL Dirt
Bike, 1973 (salvage);
212 Garden Tractor w/snow blower; lawn blower;
10” Delta table saw; (2) air compressors; fan hand truck; movers
pads; furniture dolly; drill press; vise; water cooler; 14’
Melcher split ramps; ladders; 5000 watt inverter, NIB; 4000 watt
Onan generator; 350 gal. plastic water tank;
antique walnut dresser, 7’5” tall drop front; china hutch;
cherry bedroom suite, 5 drawer chest, 6 drawer dressing table
w/mirror & chair, full bed;
barber chair; brass lamp; antique lighted globe; 64 pieces of
Fiesta Ware; 8 crystal pie plates; 18 pc of Artan Ware, Cookie
Monster & Muppets; Germany pitcher & glasses;
HP printer; paper shredder; Stereo w/stand & surround sound,
Bose 6.2 speakers, Sony amp; Hunter air purifier; lighted sign
on rollers; baby bed; Reese tow bar;
Flory, Owner
Mike Maske Auction Service
(217) 519-3959
119 S. Lafayette St
Mt. Pulaski, IL 62548
Illinois Auction License 440.0000157
TERMS: Cash or
good negotiable check payable on the day of the Auction.
Registration video taped and a valid photo ID is required to
obtain a buyers number. Buyers must show provided number for
each and every purchase. Announcements sale day take precedence
over printed material. Not responsible for accidents or
property after sold. All purchased items must be removed form
the sale site within 2 weeks from the date of the auction.
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