Don’t be one who just hears
about this…come experience HIM!
Who is Jesus? Our society and even the church
portray many different views concerning Jesus of
Nazareth. Many people have a distorted view of
Jesus. They see Him as a man who was always serious;
one who walked around all the time with His hands
folded in prayer; one who was a weak individual; one
who is boring and not someone they need to know.
That is not the real Jesus…the Jesus of the Bible.
Jesus always had time for people no matter their
background, situation, or social status. He still
does today! Jesus was real, touchable and cared
about each individual. He still does today! Real
people…people like you and I…met Jesus face to face.
Rough and tough fishermen, tax collectors, religious
leaders, people who blew it and were living in
hopelessness, and even people who thought they had
it all together yet in a honest moment knew they
were still lacking something.
Encounter Jesus who saved a wedding keeping the
celebration going by turning water into wine.
Encounter Jesus who could see the potential in
people in spite of their current situation.
Encounter Jesus who broke through cultural barriers
and religious rules in order to reveal love to a
woman who had been looking for love in all the wrong
places. Encounter Jesus who had a religious leader
come to him at night fearful that people might see
him with Jesus in the day and tarnish his religious
standing. Encounter Jesus who is brought face to
face with a woman caught in adultery but instead of
condemning her He gave her a second chance.
Encounter Jesus who made lame legs to walk, blind
eyes to see, deaf ears to open and even dead bodies
to rise from the dead.
What will you do with the real Jesus? How you answer
that question will not only determine your eternity,
it will affect every day of your life on this earth.
Don’t miss this opportunity to meet the one person
who can change your life for the best forever!

In this message series, we will hear from the one closest to Him as
He walked the earth. We will come face to face with the real Jesus
as we see Him encounter real people in real life with real issues.
The need has never been greater than it is today for people...us —
you and me — to encounter the real Jesus.
Join us at 311 Broadway in Lincoln Sundays (starting in November) at
9:00 or 11:00 AM
You matter to Jesus and you matter here!
[Pastors Larry & Wendy Crawford, Open Arms Christian Fellowship] |