New Holland-Middletown School receives $20,000 grant from Monsanto

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[October 31, 2013]     Send a link to a friend 

MIDDLETOWN -- Thursday morning the students at New Holland-Middletown School enjoyed their assembly for the end of the first quarter. Included in the morning of special awards and recognitions were two special guests.

John Endsley of the Mason City Monsanto facility was on hand to present the school with a check for $20,000. The money comes from a STEM grant to be used by the school for improving its science labs.

STEM is an acronym for science, technology, engineering and math. The funding is to be used to advance the school's education through better equipment and newer technology.

Superintendent Todd Dugan said during the presentation that during the last year, the school has received more than $137,000 in grant funding for building improvements, advancement in technology and now advancement in science. He also told the audience of students and interested parents that this was only the beginning. The school will continue to work to earn more grants that will ultimately improve the educational offers to all its students.

Pictures by Nila Smith

The assembly began with the school choir singing the national anthem.

Mr. Dugan and some of the NH-M staff members


Students and teachers who had birthdays through the summer and into the end of October were recognized.

More birthday students

And the last of the birthday honorees

John Endsley of Monsanto addresses the students prior to the presentation.


Mr. Dugan tells the group what the money will be used for and thanks Monsanto for their support.

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