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US: Assad must show 'concrete actions' on weapons

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[September 14, 2013]  WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama says Syrian President Bashar Assad must take "concrete actions" to show he's serious about giving up his chemical weapons.

Obama made his comments in his weekly radio and Internet address -- which was taped Friday, before word came Saturday that U.S. and Russian diplomats had a deal on a framework for Syria to destroy all its chemical weapons.

Obama blames Syria for an Aug. 21 chemical weapons attack the U.S. maintains killed more than 1,400 people. He threatened a military strike in response but put that on hold for the U.S. and Russian talks.

In the Republican address, Tennessee Rep. Diane Black urged the Senate to pass a bill to prevent fraud and abuse in Obama's health care law.



Obama's address:

Republican address:

[Associated Press; By DARLENE SUPERVILLE]

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