At the turn of the Nineteenth
Century, William Booth, founder of the Salvation,
along with many others, was asked what he considered
the chief danger, social or political confronting
the coming century. His response was, In answer to
your enquiry, I consider that the chief dangers
which confront the coming century will be religion
without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ,
forgiveness without repentance, salvation without
regeneration, politics without God, and heaven
without hell. It is as if he prophetically looked
into the times that we are now living.
God the Father is on the throne (Acts 7:48-49);
Jesus Christ the Son is sitting at the right hand of
God interceding for us and baptizing in the Holy
Spirit (Romans 8:34; John 1:33; Acts 2:33; Titus
3:4-6) and the Holy Spirit is here living in the
lives of believers (I Corinthians 6:19-20; John
Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit in John 7:37-39 and
how those who are thirsty would receive rivers of
living water flowing out of them. The text goes
ahead and defines what Jesus means by speaking
clearly that He is referring to the Holy Spirit. Are
you thirsty for more of God?
God wants to live in you and work through you! You
were created to accomplish great things in your
life! Quit struggling through a powerless
purposeless life? Come and experience what Jesus
intended for every person to experience the
fullness of the Holy Spirit. In this series of
messages you will receive Biblical instruction about
the person of the Godhead most often misunderstood,
forgotten or neglected. Join us at Open Arms
Christian Fellowship (311 Broadway) on Sundays at 9
or 11 AM to learn more about the God who loves you
and wants to be a very active part of your life.

Spiritual Awakening: Experience the Supernatural Special Meetings
Friday Sunday September 13-15 7 PM each evening
Sundays 9 & 11 AM
The Holy Spirit working in the Church September 22
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit
September 29
The Proof (Fruit) of the Holy Spirit
October 6
The Power (Gifts) of the Holy Spirit
October 20
Charles Finney 19th Century Presbyterian minister and former
president of Oberlin College preached a series of lectures on
revivals of religion. In it he describes three points about the Holy
1. Jesus promised the Spirits fullness. Acts 1:8
2. Scripture commands Christians to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Ephesians 5:18
3. The fullness of the Spirit is a necessity in our lives. John 15:5
God wants to bring revival to Lincoln, Illinois; to Logan County; to
the United States of America and to the nations of the world. It
starts in you and me. I love Jesus Christ and I am so excited about
what He is doing in our midst!! Come hear the Word of God;
experience Jesus; receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit and live
out the specific plan God has for your life.
Pastor Larry, Open Arms Christian Fellowship |