Gene Shepherd, former Senior
Minister of Lincoln Christian Church, and now
residing in Anaheim, CA has been chosen to deliver
the message for the Harvest of Talents Celebration
Sunday to be held in the Chapel of Lincoln Christian
University, Lincoln, IL. on October 27. Shepherd
delivered the sermon in February of 1984 which
launched the first Harvest of Talents for World
Hunger. The Harvest, celebrating its 30th year on
October 26, in the Fellowship Center of the Church;
is the unique “every person” hunger ministry of the
Lincoln church.
Shepherd, who graduated from Lincoln Christian
College and Lincoln Christian Seminary, has held
ministries in Missouri, Illinois, Texas (Dallas
Christian College) and California. He recently
retired from ministry at the Anaheim Christian
Church where he served for 13 years.
When living in Illinois Shepherd became interested
in weaving as a diversion to the responsibilities
and stress that accompany most aspects of ministry.
By the time he reached California he was searching
for something offering more of a “high touch” sort
of experience. Remembering watching an elderly woman
hook rugs during his childhood he decided on a whim,
to make a rug as a diversion. “I guess I could say I
was hooked”, notes Shepherd. “Although I am self
taught, for the most part, I like to say that I
“hook by ear”. “Part of the reason I have been so
successful is because I have spent so many hours
honing my communication skills ~ skills which pay
off as I teach, write and film instructional videos
on this art form.”
Shepherd is currently Director of Cambria Pines Rug
Camp, always held the first full week of June at
Cambria Pines Lodge, Cambria, CA as well as Director
of the on-line Internet Rug Camp. He regularly
teaches private and group classes in Anaheim, CA and
has also taught at various Biennial conventions of
The Association of Traditional Handhooking Artists.
This year he is also serving as Co-Director of the
2013 ATHABiennial in Long Beach CA. Known for his
particular passion of introducing rug hooking to
multi-ethnic children and adults, he has traveled as
far as Russia, England, Canada and Australia to
teach this art form. His hooked rugs have been
featured several times in Rug Hooking Magazine and
the ATHA Magazine. Four of his works have been
chosen to appear in A Celebration of Hand Hooked
Rugs: Fog, in 2002, Russian Birch, in 2004 and Miss
Weigle, in 2005 and Big Momma, in 2009. Russian
Birch was also chosen as a Reader's Choice finalist.
In 2003 he served as one of 4 judges for
Celebrations XIII. Although most of Shepherd’s work
is based on his original designs, he has re-created
two rugs for the US Park Service. Working with black
and white archival photos he designed and hooked two
rugs that had been lost from FDR's Top Cottage at
Hyde Park, New York. These rugs went on display at
Hyde Park in 2004. He is a frequent contributor to
Rug Hooking Magazine, His published works include
The Rug Hooker's Bible, Prodded Hooking for a Three
Dimensional, his latest book, Prepared to Dye and
over 80 professionally produced instructional DVD's
on various topics associated with the making of
traditional hand hooked rugs.

On a personal note, Shepherd comments that he has found that rug
hooking has opened up many doors of witness for him that he might
otherwise not have had. He receives calls and letters asking for
prayers and counsel from all around the world because he is well
known as “the rug hooking pastor”. Shepherd r sides in Anaheim,
California with his wife Marsha and daughter, Ann.
For a gallery of Shepherd’s work, teaching schedule, original
patterns, links to companion sites or information about Cambria
Pines Rug Camp, log on to his website
The public is invited to attend the Celebration Service, held at 10
a.m. in the Earl C Hargrove Chapel of LCU. The service will feature
a parade of flags from all of the countries that have been
recipients of Harvest funds over the past 29 years. A check
representing the proceeds of the 30th Harvest will be presented to
Rick Jett, Executive Director of International Disaster Emergency
Service. The multi-media worship service will conclude the weekend
activities of the Harvest of Talents for World Hunger. In the past
29 years the Harvest of Talents for World Hunger has raised over
$1,718,145.23, every penny of which has been channeled to missions
worldwide to alleviate spiritual and physical hunger.
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