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Herb Guild, DAR, Culver's and FFA, Together for Lincoln, Rotary road cleanup, LAMS Chorale, Harvest Hospitali-tea, festival survey

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[September 19, 2013]  Herb Guild to meet Tuesday

The next meeting of the Logan County Herb Guild will be at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 24, at Faith Lutheran Church, 2320 N. Kickapoo in Lincoln.

Members are asked to bring their favorite salsa, store-bought or homemade from their favorite recipe, to share for "Salsa Night." Bringing a bunch of herbs to swap with others will be fun too.

DAR marks beginning of a new year

Saturday, Sept. 14, marked a new year of programs for the Abraham Lincoln Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution.

The group met for lunch at the Stagecoach Grill in Middletown, then proceeded to the Middletown Stagecoach Inn for their meeting. They were greeted by Rick Deters and Ina Dambacher, who gave a tour of the inn and shared some interesting history on Middletown and the surrounding area.

The meeting was led by the new regent, Jane DeWitt.

The October meeting will be at the McLean Library, with Susan Kirby as the guest speaker, talking on the Underground Railroad. Lunch will be catered by Subway.

All members who will be attending the District V meeting on Saturday, Oct. 26, at the Jacksonville Country Club are reminded that the reservation deadline will be Oct. 11. The cost is $20, and there will be a breakfast bake sale before the meeting. For reservations, call Linda Churchill, treasurer, at 735-3728 as soon as possible or email her at

Even if it means kissing a pig... Culver's manager appreciates Logan County farmers

Friday morning more than 200 Logan County farmers accepted an invitation to have a free breakfast at Culver's, compliments of the restaurant.

Elaine Awe, owner and manager of the restaurant, said that she and her staff wanted to do this as a means of thanking all farmers for what they do. As she said, "Without them, we wouldn't have food."

Awe said the restaurant mailed out approximately 500 personal invitations to Logan County farmers, using a mailing list she obtained from Jim Drew at the Logan County Farm Bureau.

The breakfast began at 6:30 a.m. and ran through 9:30, with a regular stream of folks coming in during that time. The breakfast was a "serve yourself," "all you could eat" meal with eggs, bacon, sausage, fried potatoes and, of course, plenty of coffee.

Awe said the breakfast was only a part of the celebration going on right now. In addition, the restaurant is featuring area farm families on their board behind the service counter. Thus far they have had the David Opperman family and the Randy Pech farm on the board, and they are hoping to have enough to keep the board running and changing every week or two for quite some time.

In honoring farmers and the farming industry, the restaurant is also doing some fundraising for the Lincoln High School Future Farmers of America. From now until Wednesday, Sept. 25, restaurant patrons can drop their dollars or change into the "Kiss a Pig" contestant jars, with the funds going to FFA.

On the 25th, the person whose jar has the most money collected will literally kiss a pig. With five locally known people's jars to choose from, you're sure to find one you want to support. There is one for each: Awe, Mayor Keith Snyder, Lincoln/Logan Chamber director Andi Hake, LCHS FFA director Dr. Penny Hasse-Wittler and the last one for local real estate agent Seth Goodman.

At 7 p.m. on Sept. 25, the pig will be present, the winner will be announced, and the snout smooching will occur.

Awe said it looks like right now her employees are on an all-out campaign to get her to the kissing booth, so she is hopeful there will be others in the community who would like to see Snyder, Hake, Hasse-Wittler or Goodman pucker up. Regardless, she said it would be all in good fun and serving a good cause.

"We just want to say thanks to our farming community with these special events," Awe said, "and we also want to show our support and raise awareness for the FFA, and we hope others will join us."


Volunteer slots filled for this year's Together for Lincoln, but you can still help

The sixth annual Together for Lincoln community service day will be on Sunday, Sept. 22. Volunteers from area churches will be completing 13 whole-house window replacements, constructing four wheelchair ramps and working on approximately 25 other projects around the community. More financial investment into the community will be made during this project year than ever before.>Currently, all the volunteer slots for this event have been filled. Together for Lincoln will not have a day of sign-up in Latham Park.

People who are not signed up to help are encouraged to pray for an opportunity to come before them and then to go meet that need. Here are some ideas to help people get started:

  • Help someone in your neighborhood or church who needs some yard cleanup.

  • Visit a homebound person or nursing home resident of your choosing.

  • Clean up a roadside of your choosing.

  • Contact one of the local schools or teachers and see if there is something you can do to help.

  • Ask your pastor if there is someone in need of a visit or someone who needs a helping hand.

  • Contribute to the Together for Lincoln Food Drive. Visit Kroger, IGA and Wal-Mart to give food or cash donations.

Jim Wessbecher, food drive coordinator, said last year's food drive collected several hundred pounds of food and $2,100 in donations. All food and donations will be divided evenly among the Lincoln/Logan Food Pantry, the Holy Family Food Pantry and the Community Action Food Pantry.

The community is invited to a worship service on the evening of Together for Lincoln. Lincoln Christian University will host the service at 7 p.m. in the Hargrove Chapel. Dr. L.C. Sutton, who spoke at the inaugural Together for Lincoln, will return. He is professor of preaching and Christian ministries at Lincoln Christian University and currently the preaching minister at Eminence Christian Church.

During the celebration service, a love offering will be taken for the Oasis Senior Center. All of the offering will go to the ongoing efforts to recover the center after the destructive fire earlier this year.

Together for Lincoln encourages everyone in the community to take this kind of service day and turn it into a way of life.

[to top of second column]

Lincoln Rotary Club takes time to clean up road

On Saturday, Sept. 7, the Lincoln Rotary Club along with Lincoln College's Rotaract Club took time out of their busy schedules to get up early and clean up Business 55 from Fifth Street to Eaton Corp. Rotaract is a club sponsored by Rotary for college-age students.

The Lincoln Rotary Club adopted this stretch of road years ago, and about three or four times a year they gather to pick up garbage from the ditches and roadside.

"It can be dirty work at times, but we all really enjoy getting together and serving our community," says Marcia Greenslate, president of Lincoln Rotary Club.

Last weekend the group collected around 15 large garbage bags full of debris from the roadside.

Voices needed for LAMS holiday concert season

Lincoln Area Music Society Chorale hopes to increase the group to 60 voices. Director Tim Searby has chosen music for the holiday concerts with the orchestra, and rehearsals will begin Tuesday, Oct. 15, at 7 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall at St. John United Church of Christ.

Rehearsals will be each Tuesday evening until the concert dates: Saturday, Dec. 21, and Sunday, Dec. 22.

An announcement said: "If you love to sing, this is the group for you. Can't read music? No problem. They will put you next to someone who does. Don't miss out on this opportunity to make music with a great group of people."

For more information, call Tim Searby at 217-732-3728.

Harvest of Talents adds new feature to this year's event

Something new is coming to the 30th Harvest of Talents for World Hunger. The committee for Spring for Tea, a well-known Harvest of Talents spring event, is planning a new offering at the 30th Harvest on Saturday, Oct. 26.

Harvest guests looking for a brief respite from shopping or a few minutes to sit and chat with a friend or renew old acquaintances will be afforded that opportunity.

Georgia Vinson, who chairs the new Harvest area, aptly named Hospitali-tea, points out that while the mini-tea will not offer all of the elegance of the Spring Tea, it will provide tasty homemade foods accompanied by a Harvest blend of tea, chosen for the occasion.

A variety of handmade tea-related items will also be available for sale in the tea room.

Advance tickets for the tea will be offered for four seatings: 10-10:30 a.m., 10:45-11:15 a.m., 11:30-noon and 12:15-12:45 p.m. Tea tickets are only $5 each and may be obtained at the office of Lincoln Christian Church. Purchasers may choose their seating time when they purchase the tickets.

Vinson stresses the importance of timeliness in arriving at the mini-tea, due to the number of seatings available. She also noted that only a limited number of tickets will be available for this Harvest event.

The mini-tea is being offered in addition to the regular breakfast and luncheon menus and is intended to provide an occasion and location to enjoy a bit of rest and relaxation, accompanied by light refreshments and a cup of hot, fragrant Harvest tea.

Those having questions may contact Georgia Vinson at 732-9069 or Marcia Bidwell at 732-7772.

The Harvest of Talents for World Hunger is an annual fundraising event sponsored by Lincoln Christian Church. Events begin at 7 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 26, and climax with a 2 p.m. auction of several dozen handmade items, including quilts, furniture, woodworking pieces and heirloom-quality needlework.

The final event of the weekend will be a service of celebration at 10 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 27, in the Earl C Hargrove Chapel on the campus of Lincoln Christian University.

The public is invited and encouraged to attend all the weekend events of the Harvest of Talents.

Chamber seeks opinions on this year's festival

Lincoln Art & Balloon Festival organizers are asking that people who took part in the 40th annual festival take a few minutes to complete a survey. The feedback from the survey will be valuable in planning future festivals. The steering committee will meet at the beginning of October to evaluate how well this year's event went, and the results of the survey will be a valuable tool to help in the evaluation process.

The organizers would greatly appreciate the survey being completed by Friday, Sept. 20. To complete the survey, use the link below:

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