A walkway takes visitors through areas aimed at different age groups, starting with one for the youngest visitors, which includes a maze, a sandbox and a shallow stream that can be crossed on artificial lily pads. "Our goal here was just to get these children outside ... playing with nature. Because that's how they learn, by playing," Conroy said. There's also a 240-foot-long skywalk through the tree canopy, recreations of a wetlands habitat and a cave. An area called "Earth Cycles" includes an activity to teach kids about erosion by letting them create a landscape of trees and houses in a sandbox and then watch what happens when they activate a rainstorm or river. "It'll go through your landscape and change everything," she said. In that same area, students can examine a box of rocks and try to categorize them, or use their own shadow to tell time with an analemmatic sundial. On a visit Monday, 8-year-old David Rodriguez declared the sundial "cool," and added that another favorite was "the energy stuff." A 9,100-square-foot building features a plant lab and a 5-foot-tall globe that can show things like population density, deforestation or weather events. In the building, kids can also learn about soil types by reaching with gloves into boxes to feel the differences. Or they can speed up or slow down videos from nature
-- for instance, watching a hummingbird in slow motion, or watching vines grow faster. Sara Furlich, who has visited the garden with her three daughters -- ages 13, 11 and 5
-- and with children from the private school she heads, liked the hands-on approach and said, "It's hard to leave each exhibit without learning something." Her 13-year-old, Sally, enjoyed identifying different types of rocks, and a section on weather: "You could make a little tornado in the bottle." Favorite exhibits for 11-year-old Rachel included sitting in a giant, fake bird's nest, studying the inside of a plant and posing for pictures in turtle shells.
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