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CHRIS COYNE, agent - State Farm Insurance |
blood drive at Farmers Bank in Mount Pulaski
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25, 2013]
PULASKI -- To help ensure an adequate blood supply for the region, Farmers
Bank, 130 S. Washington in Mount Pulaski, is hosting a blood drive on
Friday, Oct. 4, from 9 a.m. to noon. |
For your convenience, call the blood
center to sign up toll-free at 1-866-GIVE-BLD (1-866-448-3253), or
schedule an appointment online at
www.bloodcenterimpact.org, using sponsor code 60032. Walk-ins
are also welcome and truly appreciated.
Central Illinois Community Blood
Center, a not-for-profit organization, is the provider of lifesaving
blood for 14 hospitals throughout central Illinois, including
Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital in Lincoln and Memorial Medical
Center and St. John's Hospital in Springfield. CICBC is a division
of the Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center, which collects over
180,000 units of blood annually and serves 87 hospitals in Illinois,
Iowa, Missouri and Wisconsin. |
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