Civil War Ball brings 1860s style to the ballroom
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[September 27, 2013]     Send a link to a friend 

About 100 participants came out to the ballroom at the Lincoln Park District on Friday night for either dinner, a style show, the Civil War Ball or all three.

The events were part of the Railsplitter Festival usually held this time of year. This year the full festival was set aside as organizers decided to take a year off from the full-fledged event. Instead, the railsplitting contest took place during the Logan County Fair this summer. 

Among the guests Friday night were several who had come from out of town, including one gentleman in his genuine Scottish kilt who had come from Springfield with his wife to enjoy some 1860s-style fun.

The men were debonair and the women charming as they bowed, swayed, sashayed, promenaded and do-si-doed.

Pictures by Jan Youngquist




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