Hundreds benefit from Community Health Fair

Album 9

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[March 31, 2014]     Send a link to a friend  Share

Pictures by Nila Smith

A second table for the American Red Cross.

Steve Tuttle of the American Red Cross talks about the importance of blood donations.


The Central Illinois Insurance and Financial Services table.

Some of the equipment on display at the Lincoln Rural Fire Protection District table.

Marsha Darlington, pictured on the right, was on hand to share information about Castle Manor.

Lincoln Rural Fire Chief Chad Letterle visits with a guest.


In remembrance of 9/11, Letterle stands with a piece of steel taken from the ruins of the World Trade Center attack in 2001.

The FX table was asking guests to take a sugar quiz.


The Logan County Food Co-op group was also on hand.

Click here to go to Album 10.


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