Logan County 4-H Oral Communication Contest participants:
Front row, from left: Dylan Hembrough; Cavit Schempp, state
fair alternate; Daniel Crider. Back row: Roy Logan, judge;
Livia Harmon; Molly Schempp, state fair delegate; Hannah
Crider, state fair delegate; Sarah Starasta, state fair
alternate; and John Malone, judge. Not pictured: Chloe
Squaire, Caleb Squaire, Nathan Squaire, Samuel Squaire and
Kenyon Jodlowski. |
Logan County 4-H Oral Communications Contest results announced
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10, 2014]
Logan County 4-H recently
conducted its annual Oral Communications Contest. State fair
delegates selected were Kenyon Jodlowski, Atlanta, in formal speech;
Molly Schempp, Atlanta, with illustrated speech; and Hannah Crider,
Lincoln, for oral interpretation. State fair alternates are Cavit
Schempp, Atlanta, illustrated speech, and Sarah Starasta, Lincoln,
formal speech. All were blue award winners.