The guest speaker will be the 2014 Illinois VFW and National VFW
Voice of Democracy champion, Miss Madison Haley.All current and
former VFW members and families, past commanders and families, as
well as families and loved ones of the charter members are invited.
RSVP to Louise Voelker, 792-5452; Roger Bates, 792-3485; or Phil
Bertoni, 792-5442.
The charter members on April 21, 1969, were Billy Lee Birdwell,
Floyd Buckles, William Diez, Harry Duncan, Kenneth Fout, Dale
Fuhrer, Harold Fulk, Raymond Gee, Evan Gibbs, Bill Harbarger, Loren
Hassebrock, Vernon Hassebrock, Everett P. Horney, David Jackson,
Raymond Liesman, Frederick A. Lipp, Ray Lynch, Steven Lynch, John O.
Martin, John T. Martin, John W. Martin, Loren Mittelsteadt, George
Peterson, Lewis Scroggin, Thomas Scroggin, Robert Steinfort, Eugene
Stone, Bill Tate, John E. Tendick, Wilford Tendick, Richard Toohey,
Phillip Van Deventer, John G. Waddell Jr., Robert T. White, Keith
Wilham and Richard Wilham. It is believed that David Jackson, Oliver
Letterle, Lewis "Butch" Scroggin and Richard "Dean" Toohey are the
only surviving charter members.
[Text from file received from Phil
Bertoni] |
