Richard Schumacher
Estate Auction
Saturday September 20, 2014

206 W Adams St,
Atlanta, IL
DIRECTIONS: From Old 66 enter
Atlanta from the south. At the library turn left and
cross the tracks onto Race street. Travel on Race to 6th
Street. Take 6th street all
the way to the ball diamond. At the blue bldg at the
diamond make a ½ left and in less than a block turn
right on Adams Street.
AUTOMOBILE: Mercury Milan Premier,
V-8, automatic trans, 34,950 miles, keyless entry,
leather seats, sun roof, VIN#3MEHMO8148R660153;
Monarch “King” bike;
COLLECTIBLES: 7-UP ice chest; poker
chips; 50+ porcelain elephant collection; JP France
vase; (12) nice unmatched cup & saucer collection;
Jardin stoneware service for 8; fishing poles; copper
boiler; Zenith radio w/short wave band; 7 Remote Control
airplanes; sm German phonograph; single wash tub;
DVD’S & VHS TAPES: Approximately
750 DVD’s and VHS tapes;
FURNITURE: upholstered green lift
chair (6 mo old); Full size bed and chest; twin bed
w/metal headboard; several nice lamp tables; 2 drawer
file cabinet; computer desk; sm. cedar chest; modern
sq., oak table w/4 padded chairs; china cabinet; marble
top lamp tables
APPLIANCES: Pfaff 1222R sewing
machine; (2) Sanyo TV’s; several floor fans; HP
Pavilion 8650C computer; Kenwood stereo; West Bend
HOUSEHOLD: sheets & bedding; indoor
TV antenna; binoculars; pots & pans; canister set; crock
pot; cleaning supplies; movie projector; Coleman cooler;
Brinkmann smoker;
BOOKS: Nutshell
Library-Longfellow, Burns, Scott, Dickens, Hawthorne,
Thackeray; Lots of Time Life Books including: What life
was like (11 vol), Civil War (28vol) Time Frame (25 vol),
Mysteries of Mind & Space (25 Vol); Andesonville by
Meredith; Several Matthew Brady books; Photographic
History of Civil War (5 vol.); Battle Cry of Freedom,
Oxford; Grilling & Cook books; Wrestling books; Combat
Survival (28vol);
LAWN & GARDEN: Dixon 22 hp Z-Turn,
42” lawn mower; push mower; Yard Man string trimmer; gas
mini tiller; small MTD snow blower; misc. lawn & garden
tools; Remington chain saw; Coleman lantern & camp
stove; barn lantern; Flexible Flyer wagon;
SHOP TOOLS & EQPT: Dewalt 10” radial
arm saw; Fire Storm table saw; Delta scroll saw;
circular saws; Dremmel; wood craft box; all sorts of
clamps; Makita palm sander; bench grinder; jack stands;
pipe wrenches; hand saws; 3/8” drill; c clamps; OE/BE
wrenches; pipe dies & cutter; Jet vacuum; folding saw
horses; hand saws;
Many items too
numerous to mention
Richard Schumacher Estate
Martha F Schumacher Executrix
Mike Maske Auction Service
119 S. Lafayette St, Mt. Pulaski, IL
62748 (217) 519-3959
TERMS: Cash or good negotiable check
payable on the day of the Auction. Registration video
taped and a valid photo ID is required to obtain a
buyers number. Buyers must show provided number for
each and every purchase. Announcements sale day take
precedence over printed material. Not responsible for
accidents or property after sold. All purchased items
must be removed from the sale site on the day of the
See color pictures
www.maskeauction.com or
www.auctionzip.com |