Service of Solace
Sunday, December 7 at 4 pm
St. John's Lutheran Church, Hartsburg
For all those facing anxiety and loss, St. John’s Hartsburg
is hosting a Service of Solace – a time to worship, share
memories and remember those we hold dear but are no longer
with us. As a community of faith, we share in each other’s
joys and pain. All are invited to join together for a quiet
service interspersed with songs and a hopeful message for
those who are grieving.
Lincoln Christian Church
Angel Tree – Pick up tags Dec. 7
Each year, thousands of churches reach out to many of the
1.5 million children whose parents are incarcerated. Our
church can reach out to the
children of prisoners in the community by providing them
Christmas gifts, given in love, on behalf of their
incarcerated parent. But Angel Tree doesn't end there. Gift
deliveries provide an opportunity to share the love and hope
of Christ. Through your ongoing care, you can help these
precious children grow in their faith, strengthen their
relationship with their incarcerated parent, and fulfill the
purposes that God has for them. Angel Tree Distribution will
be on Sunday, December 7 after first and second
services. Please come by the Welcome Center to select a
clothing or toy tag for a specific child. You can choose a
“cookie tag” to bake cookies, buy groceries, or purchase
games for a specific family.
Wrapped gifts, cookies, grocery items, and games will need
to be brought to the church on Sunday, December 14. Help by
reaching out to those children by joining the “Angel Tree”
for a life-changing experience. For more information about
the Angel Tree Ministries, go to:
Christian Church
Kids Handbells
(Kindergarten through fourth grade) Hand bells will play
Sunday, December 7 in all three services! Please be here
by 8:50 that morning.
We are excited
about this year’s songs! We have even ordered extra bells
because so many kids are anxious to play. If you haven’t
signed up, do so right away. We practice during Sunday
School and
Church time, but
we need to know who will be here :) The Sign-up
sheet is at the Children’s Check-in Center.
Lincoln Christian Church
9th Annual Cookie Walk
sponsored by the Harvest of Talents Ministry, will be
Saturday, December 13. A variety of freshly baked
cookies will be offered for sale by the pound or in plate
assortments. The Cookie Walk, will be located in the
Family Room of the Fellowship Center from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00
a.m. There will also be a limited number of quality
handcrafted gifts for sale. For more information or
questions call Georgia Vinson @732-9069. All proceeds become
a part of the 2015 Harvest of Talents for World Hunger.
It’s Time to Sing!
Lincoln Christian Church
204 N. McLean St.
A Special Event Worship Choir for Celebrate!
Christmas 2014 is being formed. Being a part of
this choir provides a way for you to sing with a shorter
commitment time. The goal is to combine the Sanctuary Choir,
Fellowship Center vocalists, other adults who sing, and our
junior high and high school students from Good News Creative
Arts all together for two dynamic performances on
Saturday, December 13, one at 2:00 p.m. and the other at
7:00 p.m. in our Fellowship Center.
There are four rehearsals on Sundays from 3:45 –4:45 p.m.
Attendance at all four of these rehearsals through December
7 is critical in order to participate in Celebrate!
Christmas 2014. Here’s the list so you can get them on your
schedule now.
• Sunday, December 7 from 3:45–4:45 p.m.
Not optional is below:
• Thursday, December 11 (DRESS REHEARSAL) – 6:30–9:00 p.m.
• Saturday, December 13 Celebrate! Christmas
– 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
• Sunday, December 14 in all three morning
Again, you’ll have the opportunity to have a CD
to listen to. Please email Laurin to let him know of
your interest in the Celebrate! Christmas Worship
Choir opportunity at
Holiday Schedules
Hartsburg United
Methodist Church
November 30 - 1st Sunday of Advent
9:30 am service Sermon: “Longing For The Light”
(Mark 13:24-37)
No Sunday School
Hanging of the Greens after Church service
Potluck for Pastor Appreciation 11:30
Filling of Cheer boxes
December 7 – 2nd Sunday of Advent
9:30 am service Sermon: “Preparing in the
Promise ” (2 Peter 3:8-15)
10:45 Sunday School
December 14 – 3rd Sunday of Advent
9:30 am service Advent Sermon: “Making Way for
the Light” (John 1:6-8, 19-28)
10:45 Sunday School
December 21 – 4th Sunday of Advent
9:30 am service Sermon: “The Promise Will Be
Fulfilled” (Luke 1:26-38)
10:45 Sunday School
December 24 – Christmas Eve Service – 6:00 pm
Worship includes Advent Readings, music by Pat
Anderson, performances by the children & grandchildren
of the congregation, a special moment with the pastor
and children in the congregation, and a Nativity
Christmas Program by the Sunday School class. Treat bags
will be provided for the children after the service.
St. John United Church of Christ
Seventh and Maple St., Lincoln
December 1,8,15,22 - 7-8 pm Advent worship in Wilmert Lounge. The Perfect Gift will be the centering
focus for our time together.
December 7 - 10:30 am - Ingathering of Coats,
Advent Communion, Guest Preacher: Rev. Kathy Lawes,
Following Worship: Christmas Dinner for the Church
December 14 - 10:30 am - Christmas Cantata: "I
Believe" (repeated at Immanuel Lutheran that evening)
December 21 - both Chime Choir and Bells will be
playing special music before and during the worship at
December 24 - Candlelight Worship at 11pm with
From all of us at St. John United Church of Christ to
all of the Lincoln Community - a Very Blessed Christmas
Celebration and a Joyful New Year!
Immanuel Lutheran Church
1409 Pulaski Street, Lincoln
December 14 - 7 p.m. Lincoln Community Choir's
Christmas Cantata - "I Believe...He's the Son of
God". Reception to follow program
Jefferson Street Christian Church
1700 N. Jefferson St., Lincoln
December 14th - 6 p.m. Kids
Christmas Musical "In A Galilee Far Far Away..."
December 24th - 7 p.m. - Christmas Eve Service
Come and join us as we celebrate the birth of our
Savior. Regular Worship: 9 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. Sundays
Zion Lutheran Church and School
Church - 205 Pulaski Street, Lincoln
School - 1600 Woodlawn Rd., Lincoln
All services and programs are free and open to the
Sunday services as usual, 8:00 & 10:30 with 9:20 a.m.
Sunday School & Bible Class.
Wednesday evenings, Dec. 3, 10 & 17 - 7:00 p.m.
- Advent Services - Advent is a time for special
preparation. These services focus on preparing our
hearts for Christ's arrival.
Thursday Dec. 11th - 2:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.
Zion Lutheran School Christmas Concert of Choir, Chimes
and Band, at 1600 Woodlawn Rd.
Thursday, December 18th - 2:00 p.m. & 6:30 p.m. -
Zion Lutheran School Musical "The Star Factor" at
1600 Woodlawn Rd.
Sunday Dec. 21st - 6:30 p.m., at Zion Lutheran
Church - Sunday School Christmas Program,
"Where's Jesus?" If you love to sing favorite Christmas
hymns and carols, you won't be disappointed. Come join
Christmas Eve Candlelight Services at 6:30 and
10:00 p.m.
Christmas Day Service at 9:00 a.m.
Dec. 31 - New Year's Eve Service, at 6:30 p.m