Each year the Light Up a Life program honors more than 2,000
souls through a fundraising program with the proceeds going to the
Abraham Lincoln Healthcare Foundation. In part, the foundation uses
the funds raised to offer financial assistance for schooling to
local students who will then return to their community and serve at
ALMH in the medical field. The dollars received are also used to
assist in the purchase of medical equipment for the hospital, in
order to assure that local patients are given the best treatment at
a state-of-the-art local facility.
This year, the program was under the direction of Sarah Helm, the
newly appointed director of the Foundation. Helm welcomed the group
to the annual event, then introduced Dr. Paul Boatman.
Dr. Boatman delivered the opening prayer, then offered his
perspective on this year’s special honoree, Dr. James D. Strauss.
 Dr. Strauss died on March 19th of this year at the age of 84. He was
a professor of theology and philosophy at Lincoln Christina Seminary
from 1967 to 1994 and was often described by those who knew him best
as the 'Einstein of the Restoration Movement.' He was a published
writer penning commentaries on Revelation, Job, the Johannine
Letters, and Grace in an Achievement Culture. He was published in
Carl F. Henry’s “Dictionary of Christian Ethics” and Clark Pinnock’s
“Grace Unlimited.”
Dr. Strauss is survived by his wife Jewel, daughters Joye Smith and
Jeaneen Ray, a number of grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces
and nephews.
Dr. Strauss’ wife Jewel was the honorary Co-Chair of the Light up a
Life this year.
Dr. Boatman spoke about Dr. Strauss saying, “He had a burning
passion to try to create discipleship, encourage people to be good
students of the Word and good followers of Jesus. His desire was not
to make people like him, but help them simply become His (Christ's)
disciples. As a result, I like many have followed a variety of paths
in life, but at each point his encouragement has meant something
too. Because he wanted me not to be like Jim Strauss, but to be the
best that our Lord would have me to be. I actually appear here only
as a representative of many hundreds of people who have been pushed
into a diverse areas of life because of Jim Strauss’ passion for
discipleship. It is an honor to be able to honor him tonight.”
Dr. Boatman then challenged the group, “As you light your candle as
it is passed on to you, I want you to be ready to reflect upon the
very special memories you carry for the one who you are honoring.”

[to top of second column] |

The candle lighting ceremony began with Dr. Boatman lighting
the candle held by Mrs. Strauss. She then passed her flame on to
others in the group, who in turn passed their fames on to
someone else. As the candles flickered in the wind, the patio
area was filled with the glow of the flame, reflecting on
solemn, reflective faces. During the lighting ceremony, Helm
read the traditional poem of the service, “Light a Candle.”
Light a candle, see it glow,
Watch it dance, when you feel low,
Think of me, think of light,
I'll always be here, day or night,
A candle flickers, out of sight,
But in your heart, I still burn bright,
Think not of sadness, that I'm not near,
Think of gladness, and joyous cheer,
I have not left, I am not gone,
I'm here to stay my dearest one,
So when you light a candle,
And you see it glow,
And you watch it dance, in your heart you'll know,
That I would never leave you, even when you feel so blue,
I'm sitting up here with the Lord,
And now watching over you.
After a moment of reflection, Dr. Boatman asked Mrs. Strauss to
light the Light up a Life tree, and David Helm with his guitar led
the group in the singing of “O' Christmas Tree”.
Dr. Boatman then offered the closing prayer and the service ended with
the singing of "Silent Night," accompanied by David Helm.

The group was then invited inside the Wood's Café’ for a soup and
sandwich supper.
Lincoln Daily News is pleased and honored to once again this year
bring readers a special publication of all those who participated in
the 2014 Light up a Life Campaign and the loved one's they honor in
doing so. Look for the publication on Christmas Eve.
[Nila Smith] |