Tuesday, December 09, 2014
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Home for the Holidays:
Holiday greetings and wishes for the year 2015 from community leaders

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[December 09, 2014]  A wish list for the children of Lincoln for the New Year - I wish first that all of the children of Lincoln have a happy and healthy new year. I hope that they all play well with their brothers and their sisters and their friends. I would also wish that they respect and listen to their parents and their teachers. I would remind them to play nice, share with others, do not say or wish bad things to others, and to make sure to get plenty of sleep.

Lastly, my greatest wish for the children of Lincoln is that they always try to make good choices because good things happen when they make good choices.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

- Lincoln Police Chief Ken Greenslate

For our seniors

The Oasis Senior Center hopes to bring services with even more health related and educational components to Logan County during the New Year.

We want to promote a healthier lifestyle. Along with the standard Oasis services such as blood pressure clinics and foot care, we wish to embark on additional health services, which will include walking/biking trails; dancing lessons including, but not limited to line and square dancing; plus Senior Fit, Tai Chi and Yoga wellness classes. We also hope to have a continued increase in the number of people using our new Wellness Center.

We also want to promote healthy minds, not just healthy bodies with the educational classes we offer at the Oasis. Gardening classes are being planned, which will be used hand-in-hand to landscape the Oasis’ new outdoor property. We will offer computer classes again for those who want to learn about the Internet, Word documents and other social media. Fun and crafty classes such as cake decorating, and intellectual groups such as the newly formed Oasis Book Club should help round out our members’ wellbeing.

- Oasis director, Dom Dalpoas

For the health of all our citizens

Healthy Communities Partnerships is a community coalition in Logan County. Funded by the Abraham Lincoln Healthcare Foundation and powered by its members, we look forward to a healthier Logan County in 2015.

The 5-2-1-0 campaign promotes 5 fruits and vegetables, no more than 2 hours of screen time, at least 1 hour of activity, and 0 sugar-sweetened beverages to address the county’s high obesity rate.

We provide educational events about illegal drugs, the dangers of driving under the influence, and provide free rides home during holidays to discourage drunk driving.

And HCP will continue to partner with the Logan County Regional Planning Commission to bring outdoor trails to our community.

Overall, we look forward to creating a Logan County that celebrates healthy choices and values opportunities for movement.

A collaborative assessment with the Logan County Department of Public Health is underway and expected to be completed by summer 2015. The result will be identified health needs that we will address over the next 3-5 years.

To learn more about our efforts, “like” HCP on Facebook or visit www.healthycommunties

- Angie Stoltzenburg

For strength through community involvement

As we enter 2015 we should take a moment to think about our future as a community. Although the times remain difficult and the future is uncertain, Lincoln and Logan County both have the opportunity to chart a new direction, one that takes advantage of our assets, our strengths, and the resolve of our fellow citizens. Economic prosperity and civic involvement do not come easy. They occur when a community comes together through a common purpose and exploits all of its unique resources for the good of all concerned.

As citizens of Lincoln and Logan County, we are the masters of our fate, the ones obligated to determine the economic future for our loved ones and ourselves.

It is through the cooperation of our local institutions and agencies that we can significantly improve our chances for economic and cultural success.

The Lincoln Public Library District stands ready to serve as a partner in realizing that success. Let ‘s prove to the world that our community is open for business, our community is a great place to live and raise a family, and we are ready to do whatever it takes to make that declaration a reality.

- Richard Sumrall, Lincoln Public Library District

For unity of economic strengths

My holiday wish for Lincoln and Logan County would be for the success of the new organization formed by combining the Chamber of Commerce, Logan County Tourism, and Main Street Lincoln. That success will ultimately have to be driven by support from the community.

Just yesterday I heard someone say that the best time to makeup your mind about someone, is never. I found that interesting and think it will have to apply as we look for ways to improve our community and make it stronger.

As I've said before, I think personal differences have been the main obstacle in bringing everyone together to form this new organization. But at the end of the day, the process yielded a well-rounded seven member board of directors to guide the new organization. In fact, of the seven newly elected board members, six served on the boards of the three participating legacy organizations - two from each board.

Our community faces many challenges to thrive in this changing world. I believe we have put in place a structure to help us effectively meet those challenges.

The question now is whether we will be able to set aside our differences and embrace the opportunities in front of us. Will we come together and move forward in the focused, positive, optimistic manner needed for meaningful progress? My hope is that we will.

- Eric Graue, an actively engaged community leader

[to top of second column]

To steadfastly seek and maintain economic opportunities for Logan County with regional strength

Our Lincoln/Logan County Development Partnership office would like to extend a Happy New Year to all the people and organizations we serve: our local manufacturers, retailers, small business owners, farmers and others involved in ag-related businesses, municipal governments, community organizations, and private citizens.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has helped in any way with the various projects our office has worked on throughout 2014. It has been a productive year, and we look forward to continuing our work in 2015.

Economic development can mean different things to different people. It can take different forms and be measured in different ways. Sometimes it involves big, new industrial or business projects. More often than not, it involves a good deal of detailed work, extensive research, and network building designed to create a foundation for long-term success. Often times, this latter form of economic development is not very visible - let alone very exciting - but it is a valuable investment in our future.

We only mention this because economic development is sometimes measured by how many new, large businesses, industries, or projects are done in an area within a given time. It is good, of course, when something large is accomplished, but in today’s economic climate such occurrences are not the norm. When large projects present themselves, it’s great, but in the meantime there is much to be done to build our county’s economic base.

Looking ahead our office sees opportunities to continue some of the grass-roots efforts we began in 2014 and initiate new ones in the coming year. In particular we will focus on building upon the success of the workforce training program put into place as a result of the partnership created between our office, Heartland Community College, the Land of Lincoln Workforce Alliance, and the Accelerated Training in Manufacturing program.

In addition to creating training opportunities that are helping meet the needs of our local manufacturers, in this new year we will focus on putting together resources designed to meet workforce needs of businesses and individuals involved in the agricultural sector of our county’s economy.

We’re also going to see if we can put into practice that old saying about how it is better to teach a person to fish, rather than give him a fish. Our plan is to see if we can help communities throughout the county establish individual economic development commissions, created via the passage of a local ordinance. When like-minded folks join together to work on behalf of their own communities, the results are often much better than when a centralized organization tries to step in and assist.

Finally, we will continue to expand our involvement with the five-county Economic Development District (EDD) of which Logan County is a member (and which also includes Peoria, Tazwell, Woodford, and Mason counties). Membership in the EDD affords our county the best opportunity for success when seeking federal resources and assistance for local projects.

We’ll do our best to keep you informed of what we are working on and what projects get accomplished throughout 2015.

In the meantime, we again thank you for all your past support and encourage you to contact our office (217-732-8739) with any questions you may have.

Happy New Year!

-Bill Thomas, executive director for the Lincoln/Logan County Development Partnership

To Lincolnites and beyond

For 2015, I wish a nice helping of "P's" for our community:
For our businesses, Prosperity;
For those who feel challenged, Perseverance;
For our families, Playfulness;
For those who feel they are without opportunities, Possibilities;
For our City, Progress;
For those who feel anxious, Patience; and
For all of us, Peace.

- Lincoln Mayor Keith Snyder

For Logan County citizens and beyond

It has been an honor and privilege to serve Logan County as a County Board member for the past twelve years, and serving as Chairman for six years.

May all leaders continue their work in providing leadership for the betterment of our communities.

My wish for Logan County for the New Year would be that all the communities also join in a work together for the better good of Logan County – to make it a prosperous year.

Wishing all a happy holiday season enjoying family and friends!!!!

Merry Christmas!

- 2014 Logan County Board Chairman Robert Farmer

Read all the articles in our New
Home for the Holidays Magazine

Reaching out to the community in thanksgiving 4
A soldier's holidays remembered 8
Thanksgiving fun facts 12
The history of the Nativity 16
The Christmas Curmudgeon and pets 21
Shop Local
Just a few of the fine wares you can find in downtown Lincoln
Our favorite Holiday cookies (and a couple of cakes) 31
Take up an old tradition of start a new one with the New Year 44
Holiday greetings and wishes for the year 2015 from community leaders 47
A Soldier's holiday remembered
Video Peace on Earth 56

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