These cookbooks listed below are viewable at the Logan County
Genealogical and Historical Society, 114 N. Chicago St.
In December the Society will be open on Tuesday’s, Dec. 23 and 30
from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. January hours include Tuesday’s and
Thursday’s from 11 to 4 and the second and fourth Saturday’s from 10
a.m. to 1 p.m.
Holiday and post-holiday recipes range from Pfefferneuse and
Christmas Cherries to corn chowder, turtle soup, and hush puppies to
red eye gravy, Hoppin John, roasted quail, and Zonta dressing, apple
pan dowdy, Tutti-fruity squares, Twinkie dessert and recipes for
homemade beer and wine enthusiasts.
A listing of collection cookbooks follows including a sampling from
each book:
First Cumberland Presbyterian Church
We’ll Make the Butter Fly, 1904,
The Ladies Missionary Society
Bread pudding, bride’s cake, gingerbread, walnut taffy, and Indian
meal bannock.
One quotation reads, “When a frying pan got into society, it became
a chafing dish.” This cookbook also includes cookery for the sick.

First Presbyterian Church
Ladies Aid Society, 1906 Oyster soup, quick fried mush,
three-day orange marmalade, and clippings for uncooked pound cake
and Heavenly hash.
Handwritten into the book is a recipe for Mrs. Diffendeufer’s candy.
The book also includes an old time formula in the event cow’s milk
disagrees with an infant.
First Presbyterian Church
The Best in Cooking in Lincoln,
Parish Society, 1953 Sawyer cakes, Fricadillas, Osgood pie and
plum pudding.
First Presbyterian Church
Lincoln Cookbook
Ladies Aid Society, 1914
Popovers, carmel custard, mince meat, Nesselrode pudding,
Salamagrindy, and marshmallows.
Holy Family Catholic Church
Parish Cookbook, 1978-1986 Fried zucchini, idiot bread, nusse
strudel, ladies luncheon casserole, Jewish coffee cake, sauerkraut
salad and Big Mac sauce.
First Baptist Church
Cooking With Grace
American Baptist Men of the Church Spam puffs, batter fried
vegetables, cookie monster salad, cornmeal waffles, pork chops and
stuffing, fry bread, Jumer’s Cinnamon Rolls, pumpkin frozen dessert,
sawdust pie, coal crystal garden, Fanny Mae Fudge, broken glass
candy and flannel cakes.
Lincoln Christian Church
The Harvest of Talents
Women’s Fellowship
Gumbo, Communion Bread, apple dumplings, Ozark
pudding, Baked Alaska, Escalloped pineapple, unbaked cathedral
cookies, chocolate mint bars, Keebler graham crackers, Illini Bars,
Moon Rocks, and Reuben casserole.
Eminence Christian Church Ladies Noodles,
potato cakes, chocolate pudding, Tutti Fruitty filling for cakes,
and rule for seasoning of 50 pounds of sausage.

Lincoln Christian College
Hearthtenders Cookbook, 1976-1977 French onion
soup, cheeseburger and French fry casserole, apple pan dowdy,
Hummingbird cake, candy strawberries, and skillet cookies.
The Christian Village
Favorite Recipes, Resident Council, 1991
Onion ring batter, Herman starter, Gooseberry salad, scalloped
salmon and noodles, squash casserole, no bake fruit cake, Christmas
fruit cake, O’Henry Bars, Toffee squares, hard candy, peanut butter,
cherry pudding, mock Baby Ruth bars, and peanut butter cups.
The Ritchhart Family Cookbook
HVR Nachos, Don’s Butterhorns, Doc’s beer biscuits, apple pudding
cake and topping, Palmer House’s carrot cake, chocolate nut
Christmas surprise cookies, Ey’s Bakery cookies, Josie’s chocolate
pie, Betty’s clam chowder, baked grits, Great Grandma’s creamed
onions, potato pancakes, apple fritters and Zonta dressing.
Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital
Auxiliary, Kitchen Operations Beer bread,
horseshoe sandwich, ham loaf, squash and apple bake, Dr. Bird Cake,
custard pie, Grape-Nut pie, Muskrat pie, Buster Bar Dessert, and
Buttery cinnamon skillet apples.
Broadwell Community Club
Cookie Book, 1960 and 2007 Sweet-N-Quick coconut
cookies, Porcupines, Taffy Bars, Scotch Short Bread, whirligig
cookies, pfefferneuse, Tutti-Fruitti squares, Christmas Cherries,
and pumpkin cookies. Waynesville Woman’s Club
75th Anniversary Edition, 1989 Ginger bread
house, apple pie baked in brown bag, aromas of Christmas fragrance,
noodle nest for jelly beans.

[to top of second column] |

Lincoln Jayceettes
What’s Cooking in Lincoln? Party mix using French
fried onion rings and shoestring potatos, pumpkin bars, and bake
while you sleep cookies.
Lincoln Plant 40th Anniversary Cookbook,
1958-1998 Fish batter used at Sky View Ranch in
the ‘60’s and Twinkie recipes. Friendship Manor
Favorites, 2002 Cheese sauce for Horseshoes.
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Auxiliary, Out of Lincoln Kitchens Cream of beet
soup and Christmas patties.
Logan County
Homemaker’s Extension Association Favorite
Recipes: Asparagus soup, corn dogs, apple tarts, bakeless fruit
cake, frosty strawberry squares, and fried pumpkin blossoms.
Logan County
Homemaker’s Extension Association
Microwave Recipes, 1984 Quick corn bread ring,
marshmallow crisp, turtles, caramel apples, Holiday yule Log, quick
plum pudding and baked apples.
Abraham Lincoln Cookbook
Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum,
A Cookbook of Epic Proportions, 2008 Lincoln’s
favorite white cake with candied fruit frosting, blue plum pudding,
Christmas pudding, calico beans, Southern fried quail, Springfield’s
horseshoe sandwich, Avanti’s bread, buttermilk pie, baked custard
and Abraham Lincoln’s molasses pecan pie.
The Lincoln Heritage Trail Cookbook
1971 Gumbo soup, Sally Lunn’s, Crackling bread,
Pig in a Polk, BBQed spare ribs, Lincoln’s honey-almond cake,
caramel pudding and gooseberry cobbler.

Buxton Family
Favorite Personally Proven Recipes
(family includes Charles B. Spaugh of Lincoln)
Finger quiche, Navajo Fry bread, popcorn cake, peanut butter pie,
blueberry brickle, and corn chowder.
Little Sisters of Hoboken
Baking with the B.V.M.
(Blessed Virgin Mary)
Mt. St. Helen’s School,
prepared by the Convent cook
Mary Magdalene raspberry tarts, crunchy noodle
salad, Holiday wreath, and county fair funnel cake.
Confederate Receipt Book
Mrs. Hill’s New Cook Book
Antique American Cookbooks, 1863, 1985 Hopping
John, Poor Man’s Pudding, crumpets, Turtle soup, camp stew, baked
pork and beans, sauerkraut, doughnuts, grape wine, corn beer, and
hasty pudding. It also has recipes for how to make soap, candles and
Silver Dollar City
Country Cookin’ City Style, 1972 Corn pone,
hoecakes, cornbread and stuffing, ham steak and red-eye gravy,
homemade sausage and apple rings, baked hominy grits, and apple
Old Timey Recipes
1992 Sour Dough starter, Moonshine, Butter Rum
mints, sweet potato pie, eggplant fritters.
Danish Cookery
Susanne, 1950 Giblet soup, rice porridge,
Bornholm omelet, vegetable patties, roast goose, Christmas crullers;
Logan County
Farm Bureau Women’s Committee
Pamphlet, Cooking With Beef
Oven Swiss steak, Poor Boys, Texas BBQ, and beef
chow mein.
Pamphlet, Guide to Low Fat Cooking Chicken
cacciatore, fluffy griddle cakes, stuffed zucchini, and apple tarts.

American Dairy Association
Pamphlet: Our Dairy Specialties Butter pecan
cheese cake, Holiday potatoes, caramel bars and chicken A-La-King.
Donations of local cookbooks and other significant items are always
welcomed. Memberships in the society are available for $15 and
include receipt of a quarterly publication. The membership fee for
two persons at the same address is $20.
[Diane Osborn, Logan County
Genealogical and Historical Society] |